Man pages for JWileymisc
Miscellaneous Utilities and Functions

aces_dailyMultilevel Daily Data Example
APAStylerA generic function for pretty printing in (semi) APA Style
APAStyler.listAPAStyler method for lists
APAStyler.lmAPAStyler method for linear models
APAStyler.miraA generic function for pretty printing in (semi) APA Style
APAStyler.modelTest.lmAPAStyler method for model tests from a linear model
APAStyler.modelTest.vglmAPAStyler method for model tests from a vglm multinomial...
APAStyler.SEMSummaryA generic function for pretty printing in (semi) APA Style
as.naCoerces vectors to missing
cdChange directory
CheckValsScore a set of items to create overall scale score
compareIVsCompares the effects of various independent variables on...
compressedrdsSave and read RDS functions for using multithreaded "ZSTD" or...
cor2covConvert a correlation matrix and standard deviations to a...
corOKReturn a non-missing correlation matrix
corplotHeatmap of a Correlation Matrix
cramerVCalculate Phi or Cramer's V effect size
diffCircularCalculate the Circular Difference
dot-allmissingDetermine which if any variables are all missing in a dataset
dot-froundFunction to round and format a number
dot-quantilePercentilesInternal Function to Calculate Quantiles
egltableFunction makes nice tables
empirical_pvalueCalculates an empirical p-value based on the data
findSigRegionsFunction to find significant regions from an interaction
formatHtestFunction to format the reuslts of a hypothesis test as text
formatMedIQRFunction to format the median and IQR of a variable
formatPvalFunction to simplify formatting p-values for easy viewing /...
f.r2Calculate F and p-value from the R2
gglikertCreates a plot for likert scale
hashDatasetCreate a character vector or file hash of a dataset and each...
internalcompareIVCompares the effects of various independent variables
internalformulaItInternal function to create a formula
internalrunItInternal function to run a model using gam()
intSigRegGraphFunction to find significant regions from an interaction
is.nazIs a variable missing, non finite or zero length character?
lagkCreate a lagged variable
lm2Modified lm() to use a specified design matrix
meanCircularCalculate a Circular Mean
modelCompareCompare Two Models
modelDiagnosticsModel Diagnostics Functions
modelPerformanceReturn Indices of Model Performance
modelTestDetailed Tests on Models
momentsEstimate the first and second moments
naz.omitMissing and Zero Character Omit
param_summaryCalculates summaries for a parameter
param_summary_formatFormat a data frame of summary statistics
plot.modelDiagnostics.lmPlot Diagnostics for an lm model
plot.residualDiagnosticsPlot Residual Diagnostics Default Method
plot.SEMSummaryPlots SEMSummary object
plot.SEMSummary.listPlots SEMSummary.list object
plot.testDistributionPlot method for testDistribution objects
R2Calculate R2 Values
residualDiagnosticsResidual Diagnostics Functions
roundedfivenumCalculate a rounded five number summary
scoringScore a set of items to create overall scale score - generic
SEMSummarySummary Statistics for a SEM Analysis
SEMSummary.fitSummary Statistics for a SEM Analysis
smdCalculate Standardized Mean Difference (SMD)
starFunction to simplify converting p-values to asterisks
styledescriptivesSeveral internal functions to style descriptive statistics
styletestsSeveral internal functions to style inference tests
testDistributionTest the distribution of a variable against a specific...
timeshiftShift a time variable to have a new center (zero point)
TukeyHSDggTukey HSD Plot
VAConverterVisual Acuity Converter
vainternalInternal Visual Acuity Functions
VAObject-classAn S4 class to hold visual acuity data
VASummaryObject-classAn S4 class to hold visual acuity summary data
winsorizorWinsorize at specified percentiles
JWileymisc documentation built on Oct. 5, 2023, 5:06 p.m.