
#' keyboard_value
#' List of supported keyboard keys, along with their virtual-key and hardware scan codes. A field indicating whether the key is an "extended key" with a \code{0xE0} prefix byte is also included to differentiate between duplicate keys on the keyboard and num pad. For example, while the \code{1} key usually behaves the same as the \code{1} key on the num pad, some applications see these as two distinct keys.
#' Supported keys:
#' \itemize{
#'  \item{a}
#'  \item{b}
#'  \item{c}
#'  \item{d}
#'  \item{e}
#'  \item{f}
#'  \item{g}
#'  \item{h}
#'  \item{i}
#'  \item{j}
#'  \item{k}
#'  \item{l}
#'  \item{m}
#'  \item{n}
#'  \item{o}
#'  \item{p}
#'  \item{q}
#'  \item{r}
#'  \item{s}
#'  \item{t}
#'  \item{u}
#'  \item{v}
#'  \item{w}
#'  \item{x}
#'  \item{y}
#'  \item{z}
#'  \item{A}
#'  \item{B}
#'  \item{C}
#'  \item{D}
#'  \item{E}
#'  \item{F}
#'  \item{G}
#'  \item{H}
#'  \item{I}
#'  \item{J}
#'  \item{K}
#'  \item{L}
#'  \item{M}
#'  \item{N}
#'  \item{O}
#'  \item{P}
#'  \item{Q}
#'  \item{R}
#'  \item{S}
#'  \item{T}
#'  \item{U}
#'  \item{V}
#'  \item{W}
#'  \item{X}
#'  \item{Y}
#'  \item{Z}
#'  \item{0}
#'  \item{1}
#'  \item{2}
#'  \item{3}
#'  \item{4}
#'  \item{5}
#'  \item{6}
#'  \item{7}
#'  \item{8}
#'  \item{9}
#'  \item{num0}
#'  \item{num1}
#'  \item{num2}
#'  \item{num3}
#'  \item{num4}
#'  \item{num5}
#'  \item{num6}
#'  \item{num7}
#'  \item{num8}
#'  \item{num9}
#'  \item{f1}
#'  \item{f2}
#'  \item{f3}
#'  \item{f4}
#'  \item{f5}
#'  \item{f6}
#'  \item{f7}
#'  \item{f8}
#'  \item{f9}
#'  \item{f10}
#'  \item{f11}
#'  \item{f12}
#'  \item{backspace}
#'  \item{tab}
#'  \item{enter}
#'  \item{shift}
#'  \item{ctrl}
#'  \item{alt}
#'  \item{capslock}
#'  \item{esc}
#'  \item{pageup}
#'  \item{pagedown}
#'  \item{end}
#'  \item{home}
#'  \item{left}
#'  \item{up}
#'  \item{right}
#'  \item{down}
#'  \item{insert}
#'  \item{space}
#'  \item{del}
#'  \item{numlock}
#'  \item{win}
#'  \item{`}
#'  \item{~}
#'  \item{!}
#'  \item{@}
#'  \item{#}
#'  \item{$}
#'  \item{\%}
#'  \item{^}
#'  \item{&}
#'  \item{*}
#'  \item{(}
#'  \item{)}
#'  \item{-}
#'  \item{_}
#'  \item{+}
#'  \item{=}
#'  \item{[}
#'  \item{\{}
#'  \item{]}
#'  \item{\}}
#'  \item{\\}
#'  \item{|}
#'  \item{;}
#'  \item{:}
#'  \item{'}
#'  \item{"}
#'  \item{,}
#'  \item{<}
#'  \item{.}
#'  \item{>}
#'  \item{/}
#'  \item{?}
#'  }
#' @docType data
#' @export
#' @keywords data
#' @references \href{http://www.philipstorr.id.au/pcbook/book3/scancode.htm}{Hardware Scan Codes}, \href{https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/desktop/inputdev/virtual-key-codes}{Virtual-Key Codes}

# Organizing this as a list makes it easier to modify
keyboard_value <- list(
  list(button = "a", virt_code = 0x41, scan_code = 0x1E, prefix_byte = FALSE, shift = FALSE),
  list(button = "b", virt_code = 0x42, scan_code = 0x30, prefix_byte = FALSE, shift = FALSE),
  list(button = "c", virt_code = 0x43, scan_code = 0x2E, prefix_byte = FALSE, shift = FALSE),
  list(button = "d", virt_code = 0x44, scan_code = 0x20, prefix_byte = FALSE, shift = FALSE),
  list(button = "e", virt_code = 0x45, scan_code = 0x12, prefix_byte = FALSE, shift = FALSE),
  list(button = "f", virt_code = 0x46, scan_code = 0x21, prefix_byte = FALSE, shift = FALSE),
  list(button = "g", virt_code = 0x47, scan_code = 0x22, prefix_byte = FALSE, shift = FALSE),
  list(button = "h", virt_code = 0x48, scan_code = 0x23, prefix_byte = FALSE, shift = FALSE),
  list(button = "i", virt_code = 0x49, scan_code = 0x17, prefix_byte = FALSE, shift = FALSE),
  list(button = "j", virt_code = 0x4A, scan_code = 0x24, prefix_byte = FALSE, shift = FALSE),
  list(button = "k", virt_code = 0x4B, scan_code = 0x25, prefix_byte = FALSE, shift = FALSE),
  list(button = "l", virt_code = 0x4C, scan_code = 0x26, prefix_byte = FALSE, shift = FALSE),
  list(button = "m", virt_code = 0x4D, scan_code = 0x32, prefix_byte = FALSE, shift = FALSE),
  list(button = "n", virt_code = 0x4E, scan_code = 0x31, prefix_byte = FALSE, shift = FALSE),
  list(button = "o", virt_code = 0x4F, scan_code = 0x18, prefix_byte = FALSE, shift = FALSE),
  list(button = "p", virt_code = 0x50, scan_code = 0x19, prefix_byte = FALSE, shift = FALSE),
  list(button = "q", virt_code = 0x51, scan_code = 0x10, prefix_byte = FALSE, shift = FALSE),
  list(button = "r", virt_code = 0x52, scan_code = 0x13, prefix_byte = FALSE, shift = FALSE),
  list(button = "s", virt_code = 0x53, scan_code = 0x1F, prefix_byte = FALSE, shift = FALSE),
  list(button = "t", virt_code = 0x54, scan_code = 0x14, prefix_byte = FALSE, shift = FALSE),
  list(button = "u", virt_code = 0x55, scan_code = 0x16, prefix_byte = FALSE, shift = FALSE),
  list(button = "v", virt_code = 0x56, scan_code = 0x2F, prefix_byte = FALSE, shift = FALSE),
  list(button = "w", virt_code = 0x57, scan_code = 0x11, prefix_byte = FALSE, shift = FALSE),
  list(button = "x", virt_code = 0x58, scan_code = 0x2D, prefix_byte = FALSE, shift = FALSE),
  list(button = "y", virt_code = 0x59, scan_code = 0x15, prefix_byte = FALSE, shift = FALSE),
  list(button = "z", virt_code = 0x5A, scan_code = 0x2C, prefix_byte = FALSE, shift = FALSE),
  list(button = "A", virt_code = 0x41, scan_code = 0x1E, prefix_byte = FALSE, shift = TRUE),
  list(button = "B", virt_code = 0x42, scan_code = 0x30, prefix_byte = FALSE, shift = TRUE),
  list(button = "C", virt_code = 0x43, scan_code = 0x2E, prefix_byte = FALSE, shift = TRUE),
  list(button = "D", virt_code = 0x44, scan_code = 0x20, prefix_byte = FALSE, shift = TRUE),
  list(button = "E", virt_code = 0x45, scan_code = 0x12, prefix_byte = FALSE, shift = TRUE),
  list(button = "F", virt_code = 0x46, scan_code = 0x21, prefix_byte = FALSE, shift = TRUE),
  list(button = "G", virt_code = 0x47, scan_code = 0x22, prefix_byte = FALSE, shift = TRUE),
  list(button = "H", virt_code = 0x48, scan_code = 0x23, prefix_byte = FALSE, shift = TRUE),
  list(button = "I", virt_code = 0x49, scan_code = 0x17, prefix_byte = FALSE, shift = TRUE),
  list(button = "J", virt_code = 0x4A, scan_code = 0x24, prefix_byte = FALSE, shift = TRUE),
  list(button = "K", virt_code = 0x4B, scan_code = 0x25, prefix_byte = FALSE, shift = TRUE),
  list(button = "L", virt_code = 0x4C, scan_code = 0x26, prefix_byte = FALSE, shift = TRUE),
  list(button = "M", virt_code = 0x4D, scan_code = 0x32, prefix_byte = FALSE, shift = TRUE),
  list(button = "N", virt_code = 0x4E, scan_code = 0x31, prefix_byte = FALSE, shift = TRUE),
  list(button = "O", virt_code = 0x4F, scan_code = 0x18, prefix_byte = FALSE, shift = TRUE),
  list(button = "P", virt_code = 0x50, scan_code = 0x19, prefix_byte = FALSE, shift = TRUE),
  list(button = "Q", virt_code = 0x51, scan_code = 0x10, prefix_byte = FALSE, shift = TRUE),
  list(button = "R", virt_code = 0x52, scan_code = 0x13, prefix_byte = FALSE, shift = TRUE),
  list(button = "S", virt_code = 0x53, scan_code = 0x1F, prefix_byte = FALSE, shift = TRUE),
  list(button = "T", virt_code = 0x54, scan_code = 0x14, prefix_byte = FALSE, shift = TRUE),
  list(button = "U", virt_code = 0x55, scan_code = 0x16, prefix_byte = FALSE, shift = TRUE),
  list(button = "V", virt_code = 0x56, scan_code = 0x2F, prefix_byte = FALSE, shift = TRUE),
  list(button = "W", virt_code = 0x57, scan_code = 0x11, prefix_byte = FALSE, shift = TRUE),
  list(button = "X", virt_code = 0x58, scan_code = 0x2D, prefix_byte = FALSE, shift = TRUE),
  list(button = "Y", virt_code = 0x59, scan_code = 0x15, prefix_byte = FALSE, shift = TRUE),
  list(button = "Z", virt_code = 0x5A, scan_code = 0x2C, prefix_byte = FALSE, shift = TRUE),
  list(button = "1", virt_code = 0x31, scan_code = 0x02, prefix_byte = FALSE, shift = FALSE),
  list(button = "2", virt_code = 0x32, scan_code = 0x03, prefix_byte = FALSE, shift = FALSE),
  list(button = "3", virt_code = 0x33, scan_code = 0x04, prefix_byte = FALSE, shift = FALSE),
  list(button = "4", virt_code = 0x34, scan_code = 0x05, prefix_byte = FALSE, shift = FALSE),
  list(button = "5", virt_code = 0x35, scan_code = 0x06, prefix_byte = FALSE, shift = FALSE),
  list(button = "6", virt_code = 0x36, scan_code = 0x07, prefix_byte = FALSE, shift = FALSE),
  list(button = "7", virt_code = 0x37, scan_code = 0x08, prefix_byte = FALSE, shift = FALSE),
  list(button = "8", virt_code = 0x38, scan_code = 0x09, prefix_byte = FALSE, shift = FALSE),
  list(button = "9", virt_code = 0x39, scan_code = 0x0A, prefix_byte = FALSE, shift = FALSE),
  list(button = "0", virt_code = 0x30, scan_code = 0x0B, prefix_byte = FALSE, shift = FALSE),
  list(button = "num0", virt_code = 0x60, scan_code = 0x52, prefix_byte = FALSE, shift = FALSE),
  list(button = "num1", virt_code = 0x61, scan_code = 0x4F, prefix_byte = FALSE, shift = FALSE),
  list(button = "num2", virt_code = 0x62, scan_code = 0x50, prefix_byte = FALSE, shift = FALSE),
  list(button = "num3", virt_code = 0x63, scan_code = 0x51, prefix_byte = FALSE, shift = FALSE),
  list(button = "num4", virt_code = 0x64, scan_code = 0x4B, prefix_byte = FALSE, shift = FALSE),
  list(button = "num5", virt_code = 0x65, scan_code = 0x4C, prefix_byte = FALSE, shift = FALSE),
  list(button = "num6", virt_code = 0x66, scan_code = 0x4D, prefix_byte = FALSE, shift = FALSE),
  list(button = "num7", virt_code = 0x67, scan_code = 0x47, prefix_byte = FALSE, shift = FALSE),
  list(button = "num8", virt_code = 0x68, scan_code = 0x48, prefix_byte = FALSE, shift = FALSE),
  list(button = "num9", virt_code = 0x69, scan_code = 0x49, prefix_byte = FALSE, shift = FALSE),
  list(button = "f1", virt_code = 0x70, scan_code = 0x3B, prefix_byte = FALSE, shift = FALSE),
  list(button = "f2", virt_code = 0x71, scan_code = 0x3C, prefix_byte = FALSE, shift = FALSE),
  list(button = "f3", virt_code = 0x72, scan_code = 0x3D, prefix_byte = FALSE, shift = FALSE),
  list(button = "f4", virt_code = 0x73, scan_code = 0x3E, prefix_byte = FALSE, shift = FALSE),
  list(button = "f5", virt_code = 0x74, scan_code = 0x3F, prefix_byte = FALSE, shift = FALSE),
  list(button = "f6", virt_code = 0x75, scan_code = 0x40, prefix_byte = FALSE, shift = FALSE),
  list(button = "f7", virt_code = 0x76, scan_code = 0x41, prefix_byte = FALSE, shift = FALSE),
  list(button = "f8", virt_code = 0x77, scan_code = 0x42, prefix_byte = FALSE, shift = FALSE),
  list(button = "f9", virt_code = 0x78, scan_code = 0x43, prefix_byte = FALSE, shift = FALSE),
  list(button = "f10", virt_code = 0x79, scan_code = 0x44, prefix_byte = FALSE, shift = FALSE),
  list(button = "f11", virt_code = 0x7A, scan_code = 0xD9, prefix_byte = FALSE, shift = FALSE),
  list(button = "f12", virt_code = 0x7B, scan_code = 0xDA, prefix_byte = FALSE, shift = FALSE),
  list(button = "backspace", virt_code = 0x08, scan_code = 0x0E, prefix_byte = FALSE, shift = FALSE),
  list(button = "tab", virt_code = 0x09, scan_code = 0x0F, prefix_byte = FALSE, shift = FALSE),
  list(button = "enter", virt_code = 0x0D, scan_code = 0x1C, prefix_byte = FALSE, shift = FALSE),
  list(button = "shift", virt_code = 0x10, scan_code = 0x2A, prefix_byte = FALSE, shift = FALSE),
  list(button = "ctrl", virt_code = 0x11, scan_code = 0x1D, prefix_byte = FALSE, shift = FALSE),
  list(button = "alt", virt_code = 0x12, scan_code = 0x38, prefix_byte = FALSE, shift = FALSE),
  list(button = "capslock", virt_code = 0x14, scan_code = 0x3A, prefix_byte = FALSE, shift = FALSE),
  list(button = "esc", virt_code = 0x1B, scan_code = 0x01, prefix_byte = FALSE, shift = FALSE),
  list(button = "pageup", virt_code = 0x21, scan_code = 0x49, prefix_byte = TRUE, shift = FALSE),
  list(button = "pagedown", virt_code = 0x22, scan_code = 0x51, prefix_byte = TRUE, shift = FALSE),
  list(button = "end", virt_code = 0x23, scan_code = 0x4F, prefix_byte = TRUE, shift = FALSE),
  list(button = "home", virt_code = 0x24, scan_code = 0x47, prefix_byte = TRUE, shift = FALSE),
  list(button = "left", virt_code = 0x25, scan_code = 0x4B, prefix_byte = TRUE, shift = FALSE),
  list(button = "up", virt_code = 0x26, scan_code = 0x48, prefix_byte = TRUE, shift = FALSE),
  list(button = "right", virt_code = 0x27, scan_code = 0x4D, prefix_byte = TRUE, shift = FALSE),
  list(button = "down", virt_code = 0x28, scan_code = 0x50, prefix_byte = FALSE, shift = FALSE),
  list(button = "insert", virt_code = 0x2D, scan_code = 0x52, prefix_byte = TRUE, shift = FALSE),
  list(button = " ", virt_code = 0x20, scan_code = 0x39, prefix_byte = FALSE, shift = FALSE),
  list(button = "del", virt_code = 0x2E, scan_code = 0x53, prefix_byte = TRUE, shift = FALSE),
  list(button = "numlock", virt_code = 0x90, scan_code = 0x45, prefix_byte = FALSE, shift = FALSE),
  list(button = "win", virt_code = 0x5B, scan_code = 0x5B, prefix_byte = TRUE, shift = FALSE),
  list(button = "`", virt_code = 0xC0, scan_code = 0x02, prefix_byte = FALSE, shift = FALSE),
  list(button = "~", virt_code = 0xC0, scan_code = 0x02, prefix_byte = FALSE, shift = TRUE),
  list(button = "!", virt_code = 0x31, scan_code = 0x02, prefix_byte = FALSE, shift = TRUE),
  list(button = "@", virt_code = 0x32, scan_code = 0x03, prefix_byte = FALSE, shift = TRUE),
  list(button = "#", virt_code = 0x33, scan_code = 0x04, prefix_byte = FALSE, shift = TRUE),
  list(button = "$", virt_code = 0x34, scan_code = 0x05, prefix_byte = FALSE, shift = TRUE),
  list(button = "%", virt_code = 0x35, scan_code = 0x06, prefix_byte = FALSE, shift = TRUE),
  list(button = "^", virt_code = 0x36, scan_code = 0x07, prefix_byte = FALSE, shift = TRUE),
  list(button = "&", virt_code = 0x37, scan_code = 0x08, prefix_byte = FALSE, shift = TRUE),
  list(button = "*", virt_code = 0x38, scan_code = 0x09, prefix_byte = FALSE, shift = TRUE),
  list(button = "(", virt_code = 0x39, scan_code = 0x0A, prefix_byte = FALSE, shift = TRUE),
  list(button = ")", virt_code = 0x30, scan_code = 0x0B, prefix_byte = FALSE, shift = TRUE),
  list(button = "-", virt_code = 0xBD, scan_code = 0xBC, prefix_byte = FALSE, shift = FALSE),
  list(button = "_", virt_code = 0xBD, scan_code = 0xBC, prefix_byte = FALSE, shift = TRUE),
  list(button = "+", virt_code = 0xBB, scan_code = 0x0D, prefix_byte = FALSE, shift = TRUE),
  list(button = "=", virt_code = 0xBB, scan_code = 0x0D, prefix_byte = FALSE, shift = FALSE),
  list(button = "[", virt_code = 0xDB, scan_code = 0x1A, prefix_byte = FALSE, shift = FALSE),
  list(button = "{", virt_code = 0xDB, scan_code = 0x1A, prefix_byte = FALSE, shift = TRUE),
  list(button = "]", virt_code = 0xDD, scan_code = 0x1B, prefix_byte = FALSE, shift = FALSE),
  list(button = "}", virt_code = 0xDD, scan_code = 0x1B, prefix_byte = FALSE, shift = TRUE),
  list(button = "\\", virt_code = 0xDC, scan_code = 0x2B, prefix_byte = FALSE, shift = FALSE),
  list(button = "|", virt_code = 0xDC, scan_code = 0x2B, prefix_byte = FALSE, shift = TRUE),
  list(button = ";", virt_code = 0xBA, scan_code = 0xBE, prefix_byte = FALSE, shift = FALSE),
  list(button = ":", virt_code = 0xBA, scan_code = 0xBE, prefix_byte = FALSE, shift = TRUE),
  list(button = "'", virt_code = 0xDE, scan_code = 0x28, prefix_byte = FALSE, shift = FALSE),
  list(button = '"', virt_code = 0xDE, scan_code = 0x28, prefix_byte = FALSE, shift = TRUE),
  list(button = ",", virt_code = 0xBC, scan_code = 0xBC, prefix_byte = FALSE, shift = FALSE),
  list(button = "<", virt_code = 0xBC, scan_code = 0xBC, prefix_byte = FALSE, shift = TRUE),
  list(button = ".", virt_code = 0xBE, scan_code = 0x34, prefix_byte = FALSE, shift = FALSE),
  list(button = ">", virt_code = 0xBE, scan_code = 0x34, prefix_byte = FALSE, shift = TRUE),
  list(button = "/", virt_code = 0xBF, scan_code = 0x35, prefix_byte = FALSE, shift = FALSE),
  list(button = "?", virt_code = 0xBF, scan_code = 0x35, prefix_byte = FALSE, shift = TRUE)

# Convert to a data.frame
keyboard_value <- do.call(rbind, args = lapply(keyboard_value, FUN = data.frame))

Try the KeyboardSimulator package in your browser

Any scripts or data that you put into this service are public.

KeyboardSimulator documentation built on Sept. 13, 2023, 5:07 p.m.