Man pages for KnowGRRF
Knowledge-Based Guided Regularized Random Forest

get.performanceGet performance of feature selection
on.aicAIC from model built with KnowGRRF, functions used in...
rf.onceBuild random forest once and return AUC for both training and...
rf.repeatBuild random forest multiple times and return AUC for both...
rrf.onceFeature selection by regularized random forest and compare...
rrf.opt.1KnowGRRF with weights from one knowledge domain
rrf.opt.mKnowGRRF with weights from multiple knowledge domain
select.stableSelect a set of stable features based on frequency picked by...
select.stable.aicSelect a set of stable features based on AIC after an initial...
write.rocwrite test ROC to a data table.
KnowGRRF documentation built on May 2, 2019, 6:43 a.m.