Man pages for LMMsolver
Linear Mixed Model Solver

ADcholconstruct object for Automated Differentiation Cholesky...
APSIMdatSimulated Biomass as function of time using APSIM wheat.
BsplinesConstruct design matrix for B-Splines
calcStandardErrorsStandard errors for predictions
coef.LMMsolveCoefficients from the mixed model equations of an LMMsolve...
constructRinvHelper function for constructing Rinv
deviance.LMMsolveDeviance of an LMMsolve object
diagnosticsMMEGive diagnostics for mixed model coefficient matrix C and the...
displayMMEDisplay the sparseness of the mixed model coefficient matrix
fitted.LMMsolveFitted values of an LMMsolve object.
LMMsolveSolve Linear Mixed Models
LMMsolveObjectFitted LMMsolve Object
LMMsolverPackage LMMsolver
logLik.LMMsolveLog-likelihood of an LMMsolve object
multipopSimulated QTL mapping data set
obtainSmoothTrendObtain Smooth Trend.
predict.LMMsolvePredict function
predictTestTest function for predict, for the moment internal
PsplinesKnotsConstruct equally placed knots
residuals.LMMsolveResiduals of an LMMsolve object.
RowKroneckerRow-wise kronecker product
SeaSurfaceTempSea Surface Temperature
spl1DFit P-splines
summary.LMMsolveSummarize Linear Mixed Model fits
LMMsolver documentation built on Sept. 11, 2024, 7:31 p.m.