Man pages for LassoNet
3CoSE Algorithm

betanew_lasso_cppC++ subroutine that updates beta coefficients.
beta_update_netUpdates beta coefficients.
fastolsFast least squares estimate.
get_BxByComputes decomposition elements.
get_sign_mVetorizes connection sign matrix.
get_xiUpdates the estimates of the connection signs by running mini...
LassoNet_fixedEstimates coefficients over the grid values of penalty...
LassoNet_gridEstimates coefficients and connection signs over the grid of...
LassoNet-packageLassoNet: package for 3CoSE algorithm.
matrix_M_updateUpdates connection sign matrix.
mat_to_laplacianComputes Laplacian matrix.
soft_threshSoft thresholding operator.
LassoNet documentation built on Jan. 19, 2020, 5:06 p.m.