LendingClub-deprecated: Deprecated functions in the 'LendingClub' package.

Description Arguments Details


The functions listed below are provided for compatability with older versions of the LendingClub package. They are deprecated and may be removed (defunct) in later versions.



Parameters to be passed to the modern versions of the function


Deprecated Function Modern Function
AccountSummary lc_AccountSummary
AccountSummary_ lc_AccountSummary
AddFunds lc_AddFunds
AvailableCash lc_AvailableCash
CreatePortfolio lc_CreatePortfolio
Dashboard lc_Dashboard
DetailedNotesOwned lc_DetailedNotesOwned
MakeCredential lc_MakeCredential
NotesOwned lc_NotesOwned
ListedLoans lc_ListedLoans
SubmitOrder lc_SubmitOrder

LendingClub documentation built on May 1, 2019, 9:14 p.m.