Man pages for MAR1
Multivariate Autoregressive Modeling for Analysis of Community Time-Series Data

export.MARExport all elements of a MAR object to a new directory
hist.MARtopPlot histogram of AIC values of top MAR models
L4.AllDatesL4 plankton abundance time-series
L4.marL4 plankton abundance time-series prepared for MAR modeling
MAR1-packageMultivariate Autoregressive Modeling for Analysis of...
plot.MARPlot coefficients of a MAR model
plot.MARtopPlot coefficients of top MAR models
prepare.dataPrepare data frame for MAR analysis
print.MARPrint output of a MAR model
print.MARsummaryPrint the summary of a MAR model
run.marInitiate MAR analysis
ss_mar1Fit a state-space MAR model using the MARSS package.
summary.MARProduce a summary of a MAR model
MAR1 documentation built on May 29, 2017, 4:18 p.m.