
Defines functions coef.mave.dim coef.mave

Documented in coef.mave coef.mave.dim

#' Directions of CS or CMS of given dimension
#' This function returns the basis matrix of CS or CMS of given dimension
#' @aliases coef.mave
#' @aliases coef.mave.dim
#' @rdname coef.mave
#' @param object the output of \code{\link{mave}} or the output of \code{\link{mave.dim}}
#' @param dim the dimension of CS or CMS. The value of dim should be given when the class of the
#' argument dr is mave. When the class of the argument dr is mave.dim and dim is not given, the
#' function will return the basis matrix of CS or CMS of dimension selected by \code{\link{mave.dim}}.
#' Note that the dimension should be > 0.
#' @param ... no use.
#' @return dir the matrix of CS or CMS of given dimension
#' @seealso \code{\link{mave.data}} for obtaining the reduced data
#' @export
#' @method coef mave
#' @method coef mave.dim
#' @examples
#' x <- matrix(rnorm(400),100,4)
#' y <- x[,1]+x[,2]+as.matrix(rnorm(100))
#' dr <- mave(y~x)
#' dir3 <- coef(dr,3)
#' dr.dim <- mave.dim(dr)
#' dir3 <- coef(dr.dim,3)
#' dir.best <- coef(dr.dim)

coef.mave<-function(object, dim,...){

#' @rdname coef.mave
#' @export

coef.mave.dim <- function(object, dim='dim.min',...){
    dim = which.min(object$cv)

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MAVE documentation built on March 3, 2021, 1:12 a.m.