batch.calculation | calculate all diversity indices at the same time |
cfull | calculate Baselga's biodiversity index (nestdness+turnover) |
cl | calculate Lennon's multiple-site richness index |
cn | Calculate Baselga's multiple-site nestedness index |
crep | Calculate Carvalho's multiple-site replacement index |
crich | Calculate Carvalho's multiple-site richness difference index |
ct | Calculate Baselga's multiple-site turnover index |
do | Calculate Diserud-Odegaard's index |
harrison | Calculate Harrison's dissimilarity index |
ht | Calculate Harrison's turnover index |
MBI-package | MBI: (M)ultiple-site (B)iodiversity (I)ndices Calculator |
mjaccard | Calculate the average of Jaccard pairwise-site dissimilarity... |
ml | calculate the average Lennon's pairwise-site richness index |
mn | Calculate the average of Baselga's pairwise-site nestedness... |
mrep | Calculate the average of Carvalho's pairwise-site replacement... |
mrich | Calculate the average of Carvalho's pairwise-site richness... |
msorensen | Calculate the average of Sorensen pairwise-site dissimilarity... |
mt | Calculate the average of Baselga's pairwise-site turnover... |
rarity | Calculate rarity degrees (decided by the argument "percent")... |
wbeta | Calculate Whittaker's beta diversity index |
wnodf | Calculate Almeida-Neto and Ulrich's nestedness index |
wt | Calculate Williams's turnover index |
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