Man pages for MBNMAtime
Run Time-Course Model-Based Network Meta-Analysis (MBNMA) Models

add_indexAdd follow-up time and arm indices to a dataset
alog_pcfbStudies of alogliptin for lowering blood glucose...
binplotPlot relative effects from NMAs performed at multiple...
copdStudies comparing Tiotropium, Aclidinium and Placebo for...
cumrankPlot cumulative ranking curves from MBNMA models
default.priorsSets default priors for JAGS model code
devplotPlot deviance contributions from an MBNMA model
diabetesStudies comparing treatments for type 2 diabetes
fitplotPlot fitted values from MBNMA model
genmaxcolsGet large vector of distinct colours using Rcolorbrewer generate parameters to save for a time-course...
gensplineGenerates spline basis matrices for fitting to time-course...
get.closest.timeCreate a dataset with a single time point from each study...
get.earliest.timeCreate a dataset with the earliest time point only
getjagsdataPrepares data for JAGS
get.latest.timeCreate a dataset with the latest time point only
get.model.valsGet MBNMA model values
getnmadataPrepares NMA data for JAGS
get.priorGet current priors from JAGS model code
get.relativeCalculates relative effects/mean differences at a particular...
goutSUA_CFBStudies of treatments for reducing serum uric acid in...
goutSUA_CFBcombStudies of combined treatments for reducing serum uric acid...
hyalarthritisStudies comparing hyaluronan (HA)–based viscosupplements for...
inconsistency.loopsIdentify comparisons in loops that fulfil criteria for...
mb.comparisonsIdentify unique comparisons within a network (identical to...
mb.make.contrastConvert arm-based MBNMA data to contrast data
mb.networkCreate an '' object
MBNMAtime-packageMBNMAtime for Model-Based Network Meta-Analysis of...
mb.nodesplitPerform node-splitting on a MBNMA time-course network
mb.nodesplit.comparisonsIdentify comparisons in time-course MBNMA datasets that...
mb.runRun MBNMA time-course models
mb.updateUpdate MBNMA to obtain deviance contributions or fitted...
mb.validate.dataValidates that a dataset fulfils requirements for MBNMA
mb.writeWrite MBNMA time-course models JAGS code
nma.runRun an NMA model
obesityBW_CFBStudies of treatments for reducing body weight in patients...
osteopainStudies of pain relief medications for osteoarthritis
pDcalcCalculate plugin pD from a JAGS model with univariate...
pipePipe operator
plot.mbnmaForest plot for results from time-course MBNMA models
plot.mb.predictPlots predicted responses from a time-course MBNMA model
plot.mb.rankPlot histograms of rankings from MBNMA models
predict.mbnmaPredict effects over time in a given population based on...
print.mb.networkPrint information to the console
print.mb.predictPrint summary information from an mb.predict object
print.mb.rankPrints a summary of rankings for each parameter
print.nodesplitPrints basic results from a node-split to the console
print.relative.arrayPrint posterior medians (95% credible intervals) for table of...
radian.rescaleCalculate position of label with respect to vertex location...
rankSet rank as a method
rankaucCalculates ranking probabilities for AUC from a time-course...
rank.mbnmaRank parameters from a time-course MBNMA
rank.mb.predictRank predictions at a specific time point
ref.comparisonsIdentify unique comparisons relative to study reference...
ref.synthSynthesise single arm studies with repeated observations of...
ref.validateChecks the validity of ref.resp if given as data frame
remove.loopsRemoves any loops from MBNMA model JAGS code that do not...
replace.priorReplace original priors in an MBNMA model with new priors
summary.mb.networkPrint summary information to the console
summary.mbnmaPrint summary MBNMA results to the console
summary.mb.predictPrints summary of mb.predict object
summary.nodesplitTakes node-split results and produces summary data frame
temaxEmax time-course function
tfpolyFractional polynomial time-course function
timeplotPlot raw responses over time by treatment or class
titpIntegrated Two-Component Prediction (ITP) function
tloglinLog-linear (exponential) time-course function
tpolyPolynomial time-course function
tsplineSpline time-course functions
tuserUser-defined time-course function
write.betaAdds sections of JAGS code for an MBNMA model that correspond...
write.checkChecks validity of arguments for mb.write
write.corAdds correlation between time-course relative effects
write.likelihoodAdds sections of JAGS code for an MBNMA model that correspond...
write.modelWrite the basic JAGS model code for MBNMA to which other...
write.ref.synthWrite MBNMA time-course models JAGS code for synthesis of...
write.timecourseAdds sections of JAGS code for an MBNMA model that correspond...
MBNMAtime documentation built on Oct. 14, 2023, 5:08 p.m.