CECERS | Chinese Early Childhood Environment Rating Scale |
dphixy | Scaled Bivariate Normal Density |
draw_correlation_matrix | Draw the Correlation Matrix |
esti_polychoric | Polychoric Correlation |
esti_polyserial | Polyserial Correlation |
est_mixedGMM | Estimating Mixed Correlation Matrix by IGMM |
est_thre | Thresholds Estimation |
gen_CCM | Positive Semidefinite Correlation Matrix |
gen_mixed | Continuous and Ordinal Simulated Data |
gen_polychoric | Generate Polychoric Sample |
gen_polyseries | Generate Polyseries Sample |
gen_rho | Generate Specific Binormal Distribution |
mb | Mean Bias |
MCCM_est | General Function to Estimate Mixed Correlation Coefficient... |
mrb | Mean Relative Bias |
Parenteral_nutrition | Parenteral_nutrition |
Phixy | Scaled Bivariate Normal Approximation |
rmse | Root Mean Squared Error |
summary_MCCM_est | Summary a MCCM Estimation Result |
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