Man pages for MCCM
Mixed Correlation Coefficient Matrix

CECERSChinese Early Childhood Environment Rating Scale
dphixyScaled Bivariate Normal Density
draw_correlation_matrixDraw the Correlation Matrix
esti_polychoricPolychoric Correlation
esti_polyserialPolyserial Correlation
est_mixedGMMEstimating Mixed Correlation Matrix by IGMM
est_threThresholds Estimation
gen_CCMPositive Semidefinite Correlation Matrix
gen_mixedContinuous and Ordinal Simulated Data
gen_polychoricGenerate Polychoric Sample
gen_polyseriesGenerate Polyseries Sample
gen_rhoGenerate Specific Binormal Distribution
mbMean Bias
MCCM_estGeneral Function to Estimate Mixed Correlation Coefficient...
mrbMean Relative Bias
PhixyScaled Bivariate Normal Approximation
rmseRoot Mean Squared Error
summary_MCCM_estSummary a MCCM Estimation Result
MCCM documentation built on May 29, 2024, 12:09 p.m.