Man pages for MCPModPack
Simulation-Based Design and Analysis of Dose-Finding Trials

AnalysisAppCreation of a Shiny-based interface to perform an MCPMod...
AnalysisReportGeneration of a Word-based summary of MCPMod analysis results
binaryExample data set with a binary endpoint
countExample data set with a count endpoint
MCPModAnalysisMCPMod-based analysis of dose-finding clinical trials with...
MCPModPack-packageDesign and analysis of dose-finding trials
MCPModSimulationMCPMod-based simulation of dose-finding trial designs
normalExample data set with a continuous endpoint
SimulationAppCreation of a Shiny-based interface to perform an...
SimulationReportGeneration of a Word-based summary of MCPMod simulation...
MCPModPack documentation built on May 31, 2023, 5:23 p.m.