Man pages for MDFS
MultiDimensional Feature Selection

AddContrastVariablesAdd contrast variables to data S3 method implementation for MDFS
ComputeInterestingTuplesInteresting tuples
ComputeInterestingTuplesDiscreteInteresting tuples (discrete)
ComputeMaxInfoGainsMax information gains
ComputeMaxInfoGainsDiscreteMax information gains (discrete)
ComputePValueCompute p-values from information gains and return MDFS
DiscretizeDiscretize variable on demand
GenContrastVariablesGenerate contrast variables from data
GetRangeGet the recommended range for multiple discretisations
madelonAn artificial dataset called MADELON
MDFSRun end-to-end MDFS
mdfs_omp_set_num_threadsCall omp_set_num_threads
plot.MDFSPlot MDFS details
RelevantVariablesFind indices of relevant variables
RelevantVariables.MDFSFind indices of relevant variables from MDFS
MDFS documentation built on May 31, 2023, 7:31 p.m.