splineFunction2D: Calculate linear combinations of spline basis functions on...

View source: R/univariateExpansions.R

splineFunction2DR Documentation

Calculate linear combinations of spline basis functions on two-dimensional domains


Given scores (coefficients), these functions calculate a linear combination of spline tensor basis functions on two-dimensional domains based on the gam/bam functions in the mgcv package. See Details.


splineFunction2D(scores, argvals, bs, m, k)

splineFunction2Dpen(scores, argvals, bs, m, k)



A matrix of dimension N x K, representing the K scores (coefficients) for each of the N observations.


A list containing a two numeric vectors, corresponding to the x- and y-values, on which the functions should be defined.


A vector of character strings (or a single character), the type of basis functions to be used. Please refer to te for a list of possible basis functions.


A numeric vector (or a single number), the order of the spline basis. See s for details.


A numeric vector (or a single number), the number of basis functions used. See s for details.


If the scores have been calculated based on an unpenalized tensor spline basis, the linear combination is computed based on the gam functions ((splineFunction2D)). If the scores were obtained using penalization, the expansion is calculated via bam (splineFunction2Dpen).


An object of class funData with N observations on the two-dimensional domain specified by argvals, corresponding to the linear combination of spline basis functions.


The function splineFunction2Dpen, which relies on bam has not been tested with ATLAS/MKL/OpenBLAS.

See Also

univExpansion, gam, splineBasis2D

MFPCA documentation built on Sept. 15, 2022, 9:07 a.m.