Man pages for MIMSunit
Algorithm to Compute Monitor Independent Movement Summary Unit (MIMS-Unit)

aggregate_for_mimsAggregate over epoch to get numerically integrated values.
aggregate_for_orientationAggregate over epoch to get estimated accelerometer...
bandlimited_interpApply a bandlimited interpolation filter to the signal to...
clip_dataClip dataframe to the given start and stop time
compute_orientationEstimate the accelerometer orientation
conceptual_diagram_dataThe input accelerometer data used to generate the conceptual...
custom_mims_unitCompute both MIMS-unit and sensor orientations with custom...
cut_off_signalCut off input multi-channel signal according to a new dynamic...
cv_different_algorithmsCoefficient of variation values for different acceleration...
edge_caseA short snippet of raw accelerometer signal from a device...
export_to_actilifeExport accelerometer data in Actilife RAW CSV format
extrapolateExtrapolate input multi-channel accelerometer data
extrapolate_rateGet extrapolation rate.
generate_interactive_plotPlot MIMS unit values or raw signal using dygraphs...
iirApply IIR filter to the signal
illustrate_extrapolationPlot illustrations about extrapolation in illustration style.
illustrate_signalPlot given raw signal in illustration diagram style.
import_actigraph_count_csvImport Actigraph count data stored in Actigraph summary csv...
import_actigraph_csvImport raw multi-channel accelerometer data stored in...
import_actigraph_csv_chunkedImport large raw multi-channel accelerometer data stored in...
import_actigraph_metaImport The meta information stored in Actigraph RAW or...
import_activpal3_csvImport raw multi-channel accelerometer data stored in...
import_enmo_csvImport ENMO data stored in csv csv
import_mhealth_csvImport raw multi-channel accelerometer data stored in mHealth...
import_mhealth_csv_chunkedImport large raw multi-channel accelerometer data stored in...
interpolate_signalInterpolate missing points and unify sampling rate for...
measurements_different_devicesThe mean and standard deviation of accelerometer summary...
mims_unitCompute Monitor Independent Motion Summary unit (MIMS-unit)
parse_epoch_stringParse epoch string to the corresponding number of samples it...
rest_on_tableA short snippet of raw accelerometer signal from a device...
sample_raw_accel_dataSample raw accelerometer data
sampling_rateEstimate sampling rate for multi-channel signal
segment_dataSegment input dataframe into windows as specified by breaks....
sensor_orientationsEstimates sensor orientation
shiny_appRun shiny app to compute MIMSunit values from files
simulate_new_dataSimulate new data based on the given multi-channel...
sum_upSum of multi-channel signal.
vector_magnitudeVector magnitude of multi-channel signal.
MIMSunit documentation built on June 21, 2022, 5:06 p.m.