import_mhealth_csv_chunked: Import large raw multi-channel accelerometer data stored in...

View source: R/import_data.R

import_mhealth_csv_chunkedR Documentation

Import large raw multi-channel accelerometer data stored in mHealth Specification in chunks.


import_mhealth_csv_chunked imports the raw multi-channel accelerometer data stored in mHealth Specification in chunks.


import_mhealth_csv_chunked(filepath, chunk_samples = 180000)



string. The filepath of the input data.


number. The number of samples in each chunk. Default is 180000, which is half hour data for 100 Hz sampling rate.


list. The list contains two items. The first item is a generator function that each time it is called, it will return a dataframe with at most chunk_samples samples of imported data. The third item is a close_connection function which you can call at any moment to close the file loading.

How is it used in MIMS-unit algorithm?

This function is a File IO function that is used to import data stored in mHealth Specification during algorithm validation.

See Also

Other File I/O functions: export_to_actilife(), import_actigraph_count_csv(), import_actigraph_csv_chunked(), import_actigraph_csv(), import_actigraph_meta(), import_activpal3_csv(), import_enmo_csv(), import_mhealth_csv()


  default_ops = options()

  # Use the mhealth csv file shipped with the package
  filepath = system.file('extdata', 'mhealth.csv', package='MIMSunit')

  # Example 1
  # Load chunks every 1000 samples
  results = import_mhealth_csv_chunked(filepath, chunk_samples=100)
  next_chunk = results[[1]]
  close_connection = results[[2]]
  # Check data as chunks, you can see chunk time is shifting forward at each iteration.
  n = 1
  repeat {
    df = next_chunk()
    if (nrow(df) > 0) {
      print(paste('chunk', n))
      print(paste("df:", df[1, 1], '-', df[nrow(df),1]))
      n = n + 1
    } else {

  # Close connection after reading all the data

  # Example 2: close loading early
  results = import_mhealth_csv_chunked(filepath, chunk_samples=1000)
  next_chunk = results[[1]]
  close_connection = results[[2]]
  # Check data as chunks, you can see chunk time is shifting forward at each iteration.
  n = 1
  repeat {
    df = next_chunk()
    if (nrow(df) > 0) {
      print(paste('chunk', n))
      print(paste("df:", df[1, 1], '-', df[nrow(df),1]))
      n = n + 1
    else {

 # Restore default options

MIMSunit documentation built on June 21, 2022, 5:06 p.m.