Man pages for MPDiR
Data Sets and Scripts for Modeling Psychophysical Data in R

binom.diagnosticsDiagnostics for Binary GLM
ChromaticChromatic Thresholds across the Life Span
ConfRatesConfidence Ratings for Detection of Luminance Patch
ContextPsychometric Functions for the Effects of Context on Contrast...
CorticalCellsContrast Response Functions from Visual Cortical Cells
FacesPerceived kinship in image pairs of children
Faces2Perceived kinship in image pairs of children
GaborDetection of a 2 cycle/window Gabor temporal modulation
GlassPatternsDetection of concentric patterns of dipoles in Glass Patterns
GrueDistribution of Grue Languages with UV-B Exposure
HSPHecht, Schlaer and Pirenne (1942) psychometric functions
lpoisLikelihoods for Poisson and Gaussian psychometric functions
ModelFest.dfContrast Sensitivity of the Observers from the ModelFest...
MotionThreshold for First- and Second-order Movement with Age
MPDiR-packageModeling Psychophysical Data in R
panel.psyfunPanel Function for Adding Psychometric Function Fit to Each...
polmerOrdinal Regression with Mixed-effects
psyfun.bootBootstrapping Standard Errors of Psychometric Function...
StairCase3-1 Randomly Interleaved Staircase Detection Experiment
thresh.estEstimate Threshold Level from Model Object
VernierPsychometric Functions for Vernier Judgement of Phase...
MPDiR documentation built on Aug. 19, 2023, 5:11 p.m.