MPS: Estimating Through the Maximum Product Spacing Approach

Developed for computing the probability density function, computing the cumulative distribution function, computing the quantile function, random generation, drawing q-q plot, and estimating the parameters of 24 G-family of statistical distributions via the maximum product spacing approach introduced in <>. The set of families contains: beta G distribution, beta exponential G distribution, beta extended G distribution, exponentiated G distribution, exponentiated exponential Poisson G distribution, exponentiated generalized G distribution, exponentiated Kumaraswamy G distribution, gamma type I G distribution, gamma type II G distribution, gamma uniform G distribution, gamma-X generated of log-logistic family of G distribution, gamma-X family of modified beta exponential G distribution, geometric exponential Poisson G distribution, generalized beta G distribution, generalized transmuted G distribution, Kumaraswamy G distribution, log gamma type I G distribution, log gamma type II G distribution, Marshall Olkin G distribution, Marshall Olkin Kumaraswamy G distribution, modified beta G distribution, odd log-logistic G distribution, truncated-exponential skew-symmetric G distribution, and Weibull G distribution.

Package details

AuthorMahdi Teimouri and Saralees Nadarajah
MaintainerMahdi Teimouri <>
LicenseGPL (>= 2)
Package repositoryView on CRAN
Installation Install the latest version of this package by entering the following in R:

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MPS documentation built on Oct. 5, 2019, 1:04 a.m.