
Defines functions dbTime

Documented in dbTime

#' Time Created and Modified
#' Get time information about tables and views: when they were created and when
#' they were last modified.
#' @param channel an RODBC connection.
#' @return
#' Data frame containing five columns:
#' \item{Name}{name of table/view.}
#' \item{Schema}{database schema.}
#' \item{Type}{type of table/view.}
#' \item{Created}{time created.}
#' \item{Modified}{time last modified.}
#' @seealso
#' \code{\link[RODBC]{sqlQuery}} is the underlying function used to query
#' \verb{sys.tables} and \verb{sys.views}.
#' \code{\link{dbOverview}} shows the dimensions of tables/views and the first
#' column names, and \code{\link{dbStorage}} shows the storage size of tables.
#' \code{\link{Sys.time}} is the base function to show the current time.
#' \code{\link{MSSQL-package}} gives an overview of the package.
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' con <- odbcConnect("myDatabase")
#' dbTime(con)
#' }
#' @importFrom RODBC sqlQuery
#' @export

dbTime <- function(channel)
  query <- paste("SELECT name,type,create_date,modify_date FROM sys.tables",
                 "SELECT name,type,create_date,modify_date FROM sys.views")
  x <- sqlQuery(channel, query, stringsAsFactors=FALSE)
  type <- ifelse(trimws(x$type)=="V", "View", "Table")

  out <- data.frame(Name=x$name, Schema="dbo", Type=type, Created=x$create_date,

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MSSQL documentation built on Oct. 22, 2024, 9:06 a.m.