
#' Wrapper function to generate a unit space for a family of
#'   Mahalanobis-Taguchi (MT) methods
#' \code{generates_unit_space} generates a unit space for a family of
#'   Mahalanobis-Taguchi (MT) methods. The unit space of \code{\link{MT}} method,
#'   \code{\link{MTA}} method or \code{\link{RT}} method can be generated by
#'   passing a method name (character) into a parameter \code{method}.
#' @param unit_space_data Matrix with n rows (samples) and p columns (variables).
#'                          Data to generate the unit space. All data should be
#'                          continuous values and should not have missing values.
#' @param method Character to designate a method. Currently, "MT", "MTA", and
#'                 "RT" are available.
#' @param includes_transformed_data If \code{TRUE}, then the transformed data
#'                                    are included in a return object.
#' @param ... Passed to \code{\link[base]{solve}} for computing the inverse of
#'              the correlation matrix in \code{\link{MT}} and \code{\link{RT}}
#'              method.
#' @return A returned object depends on the selected method. See \code{\link{MT}},
#'           \code{\link{MTA}} or \code{\link{RT}}.
#' @seealso \code{\link{MT}}, \code{\link{MTA}}, \code{\link{RT}}, and
#'            \code{\link[base]{solve}}
#' @examples
#' # 40 data for versicolor in the iris dataset
#' iris_versicolor <- iris[61:100, -5]
#' # 10 data for each kind (setosa, versicolor, virginica) in the iris dataset
#' iris_test <- iris[c(1:10, 51:60, 101:111), -5]
#' # MT method
#' unit_space_MT <- generates_unit_space(unit_space_data = iris_versicolor,
#'                                       method = "MT")
#' diagnosis_MT <- diagnosis(unit_space = unit_space_MT,
#'                           newdata = iris_test,
#'                           threshold = 4)
#' (diagnosis_MT$distance)
#' (diagnosis_MT$le_threshold)
#' # MTA method
#' unit_space_MTA <- generates_unit_space(unit_space_data = iris_versicolor,
#'                                        method = "MTA")
#' diagnosis_MTA <- diagnosis(unit_space = unit_space_MTA,
#'                            newdata = iris_test,
#'                            threshold = 0.5)
#' (diagnosis_MTA$distance)
#' (diagnosis_MTA$le_threshold)
#' # RT method
#' unit_space_RT <- generates_unit_space(unit_space_data = iris_versicolor,
#'                                       method = "RT")
#' diagnosis_RT <- diagnosis(unit_space = unit_space_RT,
#'                           newdata = iris_test,
#'                           threshold = 0.2)
#' (diagnosis_RT$distance)
#' (diagnosis_RT$le_threshold)
#' @export
generates_unit_space <- function(unit_space_data,
                                method = c("MT", "MTA", "RT"),
                                includes_transformed_data = FALSE,
                                ...) {

  method <- match.arg(method)

  if (method == "MT") {
    MT(unit_space_data, includes_transformed_data, ...)
  } else if (method == "MTA") {
    MTA(unit_space_data, includes_transformed_data)
  } else if (method == "RT") {
    RT(unit_space_data, includes_transformed_data, ...)
  } else {


#' Wrapper function to generate a model for a family of Taguchi (T) methods
#' \code{generates_model} generates a model for a family of Taguchi (MT) methods.
#'   The model of \code{\link{T1}} method, \code{\link{Ta}} method or the
#'   \code{\link{Tb}} method can be generated by passing a method name
#'   (character) into a parameter \code{method}.
#' @param unit_space_data Used only for the T1 method. Matrix with n rows
#'                          (samples) and (p + 1) columns (variables). The 1 ~ p
#'                          th columns are independent variables and the (p + 1)
#'                          th column is a dependent variable. Underlying data
#'                          to obtain a representative point for the
#'                          normalization of \code{signal_space_data}. All data
#'                          should be continuous values and should not have
#'                          missing values.
#' @param signal_space_data Used only for the T1 method. Matrix with m rows
#'                            (samples) and (p + 1) columns (variables). The
#'                            1 ~ p th columns are independent variables and the
#'                            (p + 1) th column is a dependent variable.
#'                            Underlying data to generate a prediction
#'                            expression. All data should be continuous values
#'                            and should not have missing values.
#' @param sample_data Used for the Ta and the Tb methods. Matrix with n rows
#'                      (samples) and (p + 1) columns (variables). The 1 ~ p th
#'                      columns are independent variables and the (p + 1) th
#'                      column is a dependent variable. All data should be
#'                      continuous values and should not have missing values.
#' @param method Character to designate a method. Currently, "MT", "MTA", and
#'                 "RT" are available.
#' @param subtracts_V_e If \code{TRUE}, then the error variance is subtracted in
#'                        the numerator when calculating \code{eta_hat}.
#' @param includes_transformed_data If \code{TRUE}, then the transformed data
#'                                    are included in a return object.
#' @return A returned object depends on the selected method. See \code{\link{T1}},
#'           \code{\link{Ta}} or \code{\link{Tb}}.
#' @seealso \code{\link{T1}}, \code{\link{Ta}}, \code{\link{Tb}}
#' @examples
#' # The value of the dependent variable of the following samples mediates
#' # in the stackloss dataset.
#' stackloss_center <- stackloss[c(9, 10, 11, 20, 21), ]
#' # The following samples are data other than the unit space data and the test
#' # data.
#' stackloss_signal <- stackloss[-c(2, 9, 10, 11, 12, 19, 20, 21), ]
#' # The following test samples are chosen casually.
#' stackloss_test <- stackloss[c(2, 12, 19), -4]
#' # T1 method
#' model_T1 <- generates_model(unit_space_data = stackloss_center,
#'                             signal_space_data = stackloss_signal,
#'                             method = "T1",
#'                             subtracts_V_e = TRUE)
#' forecasting_T1 <- forecasting(model = model_T1,
#'                               newdata = stackloss_test)
#' (forecasting_T1$y_hat)
#' # Ta method
#' model_Ta <- generates_model(sample_data =
#'                                    rbind(stackloss_center, stackloss_signal),
#'                             method = "Ta",
#'                             subtracts_V_e = TRUE)
#' forecasting_Ta <- forecasting(model = model_Ta,
#'                               newdata = stackloss_test)
#' (forecasting_Ta$y_hat)
#' # Tb method
#' model_Tb <- generates_model(sample_data =
#'                                    rbind(stackloss_center, stackloss_signal),
#'                             method = "Tb",
#'                             subtracts_V_e = TRUE)
#' forecasting_Tb <- forecasting(model = model_Tb,
#'                               newdata = stackloss_test)
#' (forecasting_Tb$y_hat)
#' @export
generates_model <- function(unit_space_data,
                            method = c("T1", "Ta", "Tb"),
                            subtracts_V_e = TRUE,
                            includes_transformed_data = FALSE) {

  method <- match.arg(method)

  if (method == "T1") {

    if (!missing(sample_data)) {
      warning("Parameter \"sample_data\" is not used in T1 method.")

    T1(unit_space_data = unit_space_data,
       signal_space_data = signal_space_data,
       subtracts_V_e = subtracts_V_e,
       includes_transformed_data = includes_transformed_data)

  } else if (method == "Ta") {

    if (!missing(unit_space_data)) {
      warning("Parameter \"unit_space_data\" is not used in Ta method.")

    if (!missing(signal_space_data)) {
      warning("Parameter \"signal_space_data\" is not used in Ta method.")

    Ta(sample_data = sample_data,
       subtracts_V_e = subtracts_V_e,
       includes_transformed_data = includes_transformed_data)

  } else if (method == "Tb") {

    if (!missing(unit_space_data)) {
      warning("Parameter \"unit_space_data\" is not used in Tb method.")

    if (!missing(signal_space_data)) {
      warning("Parameter \"signal_space_data\" is not used in Tb method.")

    Tb(sample_data = sample_data,
       subtracts_V_e = subtracts_V_e,
       includes_transformed_data = includes_transformed_data)

  } else {


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