Man pages for MVar
Multivariate Analysis

Biplot_EnglishBiplot graph.
CA_EnglishCorrespondence Analysis (CA).
CCA_EnglishCanonical Correlation Analysis(CCA).
Cluster_EnglishCluster Analysis.
CoefVar_EnglishCoefficient of variation of the data.
DA_EnglishLinear (LDA) and quadratic discriminant analysis (QDA).
DataCoffee_EnglishFrequency data set.
DataFreq_EnglishFrequency data set.
DataInd_EnglishFrequency data set.
DataMix_EnglishMixed data set.
DataQuali_EnglishQualitative data set
DataQuan_EnglishQuantitative data set
FA_EnglishFactor Analysis (FA).
GrandTour_EnglishAnimation technique Grand Tour.
GSVD_EnglishGeneralized Singular Value Decomposition (GSVD).
IM_EnglishIndicator matrix.
LocLab_EnglishFunction for better position of the labels in the graphs.
MDS_EnglishMultidimensional Scaling (MDS).
MFA_EnglishMultiple Factor Analysis (MFA).
MVar-packageMultivariate Analysis.
NormData_EnglishNormalizes the data.
NormTest_EnglishTest of normality of the data.
PCA_EnglishPrincipal Components Analysis (PCA).
Plor.Cor_EnglishPlot of correlations between variables.
Plot.CA_EnglishGraphs of the simple (CA) and multiple correspondence...
Plot.CCA_EnglishGraphs of the Canonical Correlation Analysis (CCA).
Plot.FA_EnglishGraphs of the Factorial Analysis (FA).
Plot.MFA_EnglishGraphics of the Multiple Factor Analysis (MFA).
Plot.PCA_EnglishGraphs of the Principal Components Analysis (PCA).
Plot.PP_EnglishGraphics of the Projection Pursuit (PP).
Plot.Regr_EnglishGraphs of the linear regression results.
PP_Index_EnglishFunction to find the Projection Pursuit indexes (PP).
PP_Optimizer_EnglishOptimization function of the Projection Pursuit index (PP).
Regr_EnglishLinear regression.
Scatter_EnglishScatter plot.
MVar documentation built on June 22, 2024, 10:17 a.m.