MFA_English: Multiple Factor Analysis (MFA).

MFAR Documentation

Multiple Factor Analysis (MFA).


Perform Multiple Factor Analysis (MFA) on groups of variables. The groups of variables can be quantitative, qualitative, frequency (MFACT) data, or mixed data.


MFA(data, groups, typegroups = rep("n",length(groups)), namegroups = NULL)



Data to be analyzed.


Number of columns for each group in order following the order of data in 'data'.


Type of group:
"n" for numerical data (default),
"c" for categorical data,
"f" for frequency data.


Names for each group.



Vector with the sizes of each group.


Vector with the names of each group.


Vector with the values used to balance the lines of the Z matrix.


Vector with the values used to balance the columns of the Z matrix.


Matrix concatenated and balanced.


Matrix of the eigenvalues (variances) with the proportions and proportions accumulated.


Matrix U of the singular decomposition of the matrix Z.


Matrix V of the singular decomposition of the matrix Z.


Matrix global factor scores where the lines are the observations and the columns the components.


Matrix of the factor scores by group.


Matrix of the correlation of the principal components with original variables.


Matrix of the partial inertias / scores of the variables


Paulo Cesar Ossani

Marcelo Angelo Cirillo


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Becue-Bertaut, M.; Pages, J. Multiple factor analysis and clustering of a mixture of quantitative, categorical and frequency data. Computational Statistics & data Analysis, New York, v. 52, n. 6, p. 3255-3268, Feb. 2008.

Bezecri, J. Analyse de l'inertie intraclasse par l'analyse d'un tableau de contingence: intra-classinertia analysis through the analysis of a contingency table. Les Cahiers de l'Analyse des Donnees, Paris, v. 8, n. 3, p. 351-358, 1983.

Escofier, B. Analyse factorielle en reference a un modele: application a l'analyse d'un tableau d'echanges. Revue de Statistique Appliquee, Paris, v. 32, n. 4, p. 25-36, 1984.

Escofier, B.; Drouet, D. Analyse des differences entre plusieurs tableaux de frequence. Les Cahiers de l'Analyse des Donnees, Paris, v. 8, n. 4, p. 491-499, 1983.

Escofier, B.; Pages, J. Analyse factorielles simples et multiples. Paris: Dunod, 1990. 267 p.

Escofier, B.; Pages, J. Analyses factorielles simples et multiples: objectifs, methodes et interpretation. 4th ed. Paris: Dunod, 2008. 318 p.

Escofier, B.; Pages, J. Comparaison de groupes de variables definies sur le meme ensemble d'individus: un exemple d'applications. Le Chesnay: Institut National de Recherche en Informatique et en Automatique, 1982. 121 p.

Escofier, B.; Pages, J. Multiple factor analysis (AFUMULT package). Computational Statistics & data Analysis, New York, v. 18, n. 1, p. 121-140, Aug. 1994

Greenacre, M.; Blasius, J. Multiple correspondence analysis and related methods. New York: Taylor and Francis, 2006. 607 p.

Ossani, P. C.; Cirillo, M. A.; Borem, F. M.; Ribeiro, D. E.; Cortez, R. M. Quality of specialty coffees: a sensory evaluation by consumers using the MFACT technique. Revista Ciencia Agronomica (UFC. Online), v. 48, p. 92-100, 2017.

Pages, J. Analyse factorielle multiple appliquee aux variables qualitatives et aux donnees mixtes. Revue de Statistique Appliquee, Paris, v. 50, n. 4, p. 5-37, 2002.

Pages, J.. Multiple factor analysis: main features and application to sensory data. Revista Colombiana de Estadistica, Bogota, v. 27, n. 1, p. 1-26, 2004.

See Also



data(DataMix) # mixed dataset

data <- DataMix[,2:ncol(DataMix)] 

rownames(data) <- DataMix[1:nrow(DataMix),1]

group.names = c("Grade Cafes/Work", "Formation/Dedication", "Coffees")

mf <- MFA(data = data, c(2,2,2), typegroups = c("n","c","f"), group.names) # performs MFA

print("Principal Component Variances:"); round(mf$mtxA,2)

print("Matrix of the Partial Inertia / Score of the Variables:"); round(mf$mtxEV,2)

MVar documentation built on June 22, 2024, 10:17 a.m.