Man pages for MXM
Feature Selection (Including Multiple Solutions) and Bayesian Networks

aucROC and AUC
bbcBootstrap bias correction for the performance of the...
beta.modBeta regression
beta.regsMany simple beta regressions.
bic.fsregVariable selection in regression models with forward...
bic.glm.fsregVariable selection in generalised linear models with forward...
big.fbed.regForward Backward Early Dropping selection regression for big...
big.gompGeneric orthogonal matching pursuit(gOMP) for big data
bn.skel.utilsUtilities for the skeleton of a (Bayesian) Network
bs.regVariable selection in regression models with backward...
censIndCRConditional independence test for survival data
certificate.of.exclusionCertificate of exclusion from the selected variables set...
ci.mmSymmetric conditional independence test with mixed data
condiConditional independence test for continuous class variables...
condisMany conditional independence tests counting the number of...
cond.regsConditional independence regression based tests
conf.edge.lowerLower limit of the confidence of an edge
cor.drop1Drop all possible single terms from a model using the partial...
corfs.networkNetwork construction using the partial correlation based...
corgraphGraph of unconditional associations
cv.fbed.lmm.regCross-validation of the FBED with LMM
cv.gompCross-Validation for gOMP
cv.sesCross-Validation for SES and MMPC
dag2egTransforms a DAG into an essential graph
ebic.bsregBackward selection regression using the eBIC
ebic.glmm.bsregBackward selection regression for GLMM using the eBIC
ebic.regseBIC for many regression models
equivdagsCheck Markov equivalence of two DAGs
fbed.gee.regForward Backward Early Dropping selection regression with GEE
fbed.glmm.regForward Backward Early Dropping selection regression with...
fbed.regForward Backward Early Dropping selection regression
fbedreg.bicIncremental BIC values and final regression model of the FBED...
findDescendantsReturns and plots, if asked, the descendants or ancestors of...
fs.regVariable selection in regression models with forward...
generatefoldsGenerate random folds for cross-validation
glm.bsregVariable selection in generalised linear regression models...
glm.fsregVariable selection in generalised linear regression models...
glmm.bsregBackward selection regression for GLMM conditional independence test with clustered data
gompGeneric orthogonal matching pursuit (gOMP)
group.mvbetasCalculation of the constant and slope for each subject over...
gSquareG-square conditional independence test for discrete data
iambIAMB variable selection
iamb.bsIAMB backward selection phase
idaTotal causal effect of a node on another node
is.dagCheck whether a directed graph is acyclic
lm.fsregVariable selection in linear regression models with forward...
local.mmhc.skelSkeleton (local) around a node of the MMHC algorithm
logiquant.regsMany simple quantile regressions using logistic regressions.
mammpc.output-classClass '"mammpc.output"' Feature selection algorithm for identifying multiple...
mases.output-classClass '"mases.output"'
mbReturns the Markov blanket of a node (or variable)
mmhc.skelThe skeleton of a Bayesian network as produced by MMHC
mmmbMax-min Markov blanket algorithm
mmpc2A fast version of MMPC
mmpcbackphaseBackward phase of MMPC
MMPC.gee.output-classClass '"MMPC.gee.output"'
mmpc.glmm2mmpc.glmm2/mmpc.gee2: Fast Feature selection algorithm for...
mmpc.glmm.modelGeneralised linear mixed model(s) based obtained from glmm...
MMPC.glmm.output-classClass '"MMPC.glmm.output"'
mmpc.orBayesian Network construction using a hybrid of MMPC and PC
MMPCoutput-classClass '"MMPCoutput"'
mmpc.pathMMPC solution paths for many combinations of hyper-parameters
mmpc.timeclass.modelRegression model(s) obtained from SES.timeclass or...
modelerGeneric regression modelling function
MXMCondIndTestsMXM Conditional independence tests
MXM-internalInternal MXM Functions
MXM-packageThis is an R package that currently implements feature...
neiReturns the node(s) and their neighbour(s), if there are any.
NessEffective sample size for G^2 test in BNs with case control...
ordinal.regGeneralised ordinal regression
ord.residProbability residual of ordinal logistic regreession
partialcorPartial correlation
pc.orThe orientations part of the PC algorithm.
pc.selVariable selection using the PC-simple algorithm
pc.skelThe skeleton of a Bayesian network produced by the PC...
permcorPermutation based p-value for the Pearson correlation...
pi0estEstimation of the percentage of Null p-values
plotnetworkInteractive plot of an (un)directed graph
pval.mixbetaFit a mixture of beta distributions in p-values
rdagData simulation from a DAG.
read.big.dataRead big data or a big.matrix object
reg.fitRegression modelling
ridge.plotRidge regression
ridge.regRidge regression
ridgereg.cvCross validation for the ridge regression
SESSES: Feature selection algorithm for identifying multiple...
SES.gee.output-classClass '"SES.gee.output"'
SES.glmmSES.glmm/SES.gee: Feature selection algorithm for identifying...
SES.glmm.output-classClass '"SES.glmm.output"'
ses.modelRegression model(s) obtained from SES or MMPC
SESoutput-classClass '"SESoutput"'
SES.timeclassFeature selection using SES and MMPC for classifiication with...
shdStructural Hamming distance between two partially oriented...
sp.logiregsMany approximate simple logistic regressions.
supervised.pcaSupervised PCA
tc.plotPlot of longitudinal data
testIndBetaBeta regression conditional independence test for...
testIndBinomBinomial regression conditional independence test for success...
testIndClogitConditional independence test based on conditional logistic...
testIndFisherFisher and Spearman conditional independence test for...
testIndGammaRegression conditional independence test for positive...
testIndGEERegLinear mixed models conditional independence test for...
testIndGLMMRegLinear mixed models conditional independence test for...
testIndLogisticConditional independence test for binary, categorical or...
testIndPoisRegression conditional independence test for discrete...
testIndRegLinear (and non-linear) regression conditional independence...
testIndSPMLCircular regression conditional independence test for...
testIndTimeLogisticConditional independence test for the static-longitudinal...
testIndTobitConditional independence test for survival data
topological_sortTopological sort of a DAG
transitiveClosureReturns the transitive closure of an adjacency matrix
triangles.searchSearch for triangles in an undirected graph
undir.pathUndirected path(s) between two nodes
univregsUnivariate regression based tests
wald.logisticregsMany Wald based tests for logistic and Poisson regressions...
zip.modZero inflated Poisson and negative binomial regression
zip.regsMany simple zero inflated Poisson regressions.
MXM documentation built on Aug. 25, 2022, 9:05 a.m.