sort_sparse_indices: Sort the indices of a sparse matrix or sparse vector

View source: R/utils.R

sort_sparse_indicesR Documentation

Sort the indices of a sparse matrix or sparse vector


Will sort the indices of a sparse matrix or sparse vector.

In general, the indices of sparse CSR and CSC matrices are always meant to be sorted, and it should be rare to have a matrix with unsorted indices when the matrix is the output of some built-in operation from either 'Matrix' or 'MatrixExtra', but when the matrices are constructed manually this function can come in handy.

Important: the input matrix will be modified in-place, unless passing 'copy=TRUE'.


sort_sparse_indices(X, copy = FALSE, byrow = TRUE)



A sparse matrix in CSR, CSC, or COO format; or a sparse vector (from the 'Matrix' package.)


Whether to make a deep copy of the indices and the values before sorting them, so that the in-place modifications will not affect any potential external references to the same arrays.


When passing a COO matrix ("TsparseMatrix"), whether to sort it with rows as the major axis, which differs from 'Matrix' that usually sorts them with columns as the major axis.


The same input 'X' with its indices sorted, as invisible (no auto print). Note that the input is itself modified, so there is no need to reassign it.

MatrixExtra documentation built on May 29, 2024, 2:53 a.m.