
App registration details

Microsoft365R comes with a default app registration to enable authenticating with Azure Active Directory on the local machine. Depending on your organisation's security policy, you may have to get an admin to grant it access to your tenant. The app ID is d44a05d5-c6a5-4bbb-82d2-443123722380 and the default requested permissions are

In addition, some functions request the following permissions:

These are Microsoft Graph permissions ( They are all delegated permissions, not application-level permissions, so a signed-in user is required. As the Graph documentation notes:

For delegated permissions, the effective permissions of your app are the intersection of the delegated permissions the app has been granted (via consent) and the privileges of the currently signed-in user. Your app can never have more privileges than the signed-in user. Within organizations, the privileges of the signed-in user are determined by policy or by membership in one or more administrator roles.

Note that the default app registration is only for a local machine: if you are running Microsoft365R inside a Shiny app on a remote server, it will not work. To enable interactive authentication, you must register your app with Azure and supply details such as the target audience and site address (redirect URI): see the Shiny vignette for more information.

Try the Microsoft365R package in your browser

Any scripts or data that you put into this service are public.

Microsoft365R documentation built on May 31, 2023, 6:10 p.m.