
Defines functions MigClim.userGuide

Documented in MigClim.userGuide

# Displays the PDF user guide to the MigClim R package.
MigClim.userGuide <- function()
    UGpath <- find.package("MigClim")
    if(.Platform$OS.type=="windows") eval(parse(text=paste("system('open \"", UGpath, "/doc/MigClim_userGuide.pdf\"')", sep="")))
        cat("If the user guide does not open automatically, it can be found in the following directory: ", UGpath, "/doc/MigClim_userGuide.pdf \n", sep="")
        if(Sys.info()["sysname"] =="Linux"){
            system(paste("evince ", UGpath, "/doc/MigClim_userGuide.pdf", sep=""))  # works with linux system that have evince installed.
        } else system(paste("open ", UGpath, "/doc/MigClim_userGuide.pdf", sep="")) # should work for Mac OS but not sure.  

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MigClim documentation built on Feb. 13, 2020, 9:07 a.m.