Man pages for MixfMRI
Mixture fMRI Clustering Analysis

00_MixfMRI-packagefMRI Clustering Analysis
11_d_controlSets of controls in MixfMRI
22_d_dataExample datasets in MixfMRI
a1_fclustMain MixfMRI function
b1_initialMain initialization functions
b2_algorithmMain algorithms implemented in fclust
c1_testLikelihood ratio tests
d1_plotMain plotting function
d2_printPrint fclust related outputs
e1_simulationGenerate datasets for MixfMRI simulations
e2_densityDensity function of p-values
e3_smoothGenerate datasets with smoothing for MixfMRI simulations
f1_lmt_I_pvLikelihood Mixture Tests with Identity Cov Matrix or Only...
f2_logit_ETACovariance Matrices of Logit ETA
f3_post_ICovariance Matrices
f4_logor_statCompute Statistics for Log Odds Ratio of Posterior...
u1_summarized.overlapSummarized Overlap
u2_qvalueQ-values using Benjamini and Hochberg (1995)
u3_fdr_ssFalse Discovery Rates for Spatial Signals using Benjamini and...
u4_cba_corGeneralized Cluster-Based Analysis (CBA) Method
y1_Threshold.BonferroniCalculates Bonferroni Threshold
y2_Threshold.RFRandom Field Theory Thersholds.
y3_EC.3DExpected Euler Characteristic for a 3D Random Field
y4_Threshold.FDRFalse Discovery Rate (FDR) Threshold
y5_cluster.thresholdCluster threshold an array.
zz_internalAll General Internal Functions and Datasets
MixfMRI documentation built on Sept. 8, 2023, 5:06 p.m.