API for ModelMap
Modeling and Map Production using Random Forest and Related Stochastic Models

Global functions
CF.binary Man page Source code
CF.categorical Man page Source code
CF.continuous Man page Source code
CF.int2num Man page Source code
CF.list2df Man page Source code
FNcheck Man page Source code
ModelMap Man page
ModelMap-package Man page
REQUIRE.gbm Man page
REQUIRE.party Man page
REQUIRE.quantregForest Man page
build.rastLUT Man page Source code
check.device.type Man page Source code
check.device.type.nodefault Man page Source code
check.model.levels Man page Source code
check.model.type Man page Source code
check.predList Man page Source code
check.response.name Man page Source code
check.response.type Man page Source code
col2trans Man page Source code
correlation.function Man page Source code
create.model Man page Source code
diagnostics.function Man page Source code
explore.categorical Man page Source code
explore.continuous Man page Source code
get.test Man page Source code
getRasts Man page Source code
grd2gri Man page Source code
imp.extract.cf Man page Source code
imp.extract.qrf Man page Source code
imp.extract.rf Man page Source code
imp.extract.sgb Man page
imp.scale Man page Source code
initialize.device Man page Source code
mask.fun Man page Source code Source code
mask.graphic Man page Source code
model.SGB Man page
model.build Man page Source code
model.diagnostics Man page Source code
model.explore Man page Source code
model.importance.plot Man page Source code
model.interaction.plot Man page Source code
model.mapmake Man page Source code
prediction.CF.binary Man page Source code
prediction.CF.categorical Man page Source code
prediction.CF.continuous Man page Source code
prediction.SGB Man page
prediction.model Man page Source code
prediction.rF.binary Man page Source code
prediction.rF.categorical Man page Source code
prediction.rF.continuous Man page Source code
prediction.rF.quantreg Man page Source code
production.prediction Man page Source code
projcompare Man page Source code
projfix Man page Source code
rF.binary Man page Source code
rF.categorical Man page Source code
rF.continuous Man page Source code
rF.quantreg Man page Source code
varImpPlot.MM Man page
ModelMap documentation built on April 25, 2023, 1:10 a.m.