Man pages for MultiLCIRT
Multidimensional Latent Class Item Response Theory Models

aggr_dataAggregate data
class_itemHierarchical classification of test items
compare_modelsCompare different models fitted by est_multi_poly
est_multi_globFit marginal regression models for categorical responses
est_multi_polyEstimate multidimensional LC IRT model for dichotomous and...
est_multi_poly_clustEstimate multidimensional and multilevel LC IRT model for...
hadsDataset about measurement of anxiety and depression in...
inv_globInvert marginal logits
lk_obs_scoreCompute observed log-likelihood and score
lk_obs_score_clustCompute observed log-likelihood and score
matr_globMatrices to compute generalized logits
MultiLCIRT-packageMultidimensional Latent Class (LC) Item Response Theory (IRT)...
naepNAEP dataset
print.class_itemPrint the output of class_item object
print.est_multi_polyPrint the output of est_multi_poly object
print.est_multi_poly_clustPrint the output of est_multi_poly_clust object
print.test_dimPrint the output of test_dim object
prob_multi_globGlobal probabilities
search.modelSearch for the global maximum of the log-likelihood
standard.matrixStandardization of a matrix of support points on the basis of...
summary.class_itemPrint the output of class_item object
summary.est_multi_polyPrint the output of test_dim object
summary.est_multi_poly_clustPrint the output of est_multi_poly_clust object
summary.test_dimPrint the output of test_dim object
test_dimLikelihood ratio testing between nested multidimensional LC...
MultiLCIRT documentation built on May 2, 2019, 2:38 p.m.