TCEReg: TCE ground waters of Long Island - with explanatory variables

Description Usage Source References


TCE concentrations (ug/L) in ground waters of Long Island, New York, along with several possible explanatory variables.

Objective is to determine if concentrations are related to one or more explanatory variables.

There are four detection limits, at 1,2,4 and 5 ug/L. One column indicates whether concentrations are above or below 5. Used in Chapter 12 of the NADA book.




Eckhardt et al., 1989, USGS Water Resources Investigations Report 86-4142.


Helsel, Dennis R. (2005). Nondectects and Data Analysis; Statistics for censored environmental data. John Wiley and Sons, USA, NJ.

NADA documentation built on March 22, 2020, 5:07 p.m.

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