NAIR 1.0.2

Minor Changes and Bug Fixes

NAIR 1.0.1

Breaking Changes

New Features

This section covers general new features. Other new features are grouped by subject in the following few sections.

Unified Primary Argument Across Functions

Several changes and additions have been made in favor of using the list of network objects returned by buildRepSeqNetwork() as a unified primary input and output across the core NAIR functions. Adopting this convention offers several benefits: It greatly simplifies usage, since users no longer need to know which components of the list to input to which function (or what each function returns); it eliminates the task of manually updating the list of network objects; it results in the core functions working with the pipe operator; and most importantly, it improves functionality within and between functions, since functions can read and modify anything in the network list. For instance, addPlots() can use the coordinate layout of any existing plots to ensure a consistent layout across plots (which is no longer guaranteed otherwise), while addClusterStats() can add cluster membership values to the node metadata and record in details that the cluster properties correspond to these membership values (and not the values from a different instance of clustering using a different algorithm).

The following changes encompass the move toward using the network list as a primary input/output:

See the new "Supplementary Functions" vignette for examples.

Multiple Instances of Clustering

The following changes and additions have been made to facilitate multiple instances of clustering on the same network using different clustering algorithms. See the new "Cluster Analysis" vignette for examples.

It may also be of interest in the future to add functionality allowing the network list to contain multiple sets of cluster properties corresponding to different instances of clustering.

Plots and Graph Layout

Plotting functions no longer fix the random seed when generating the coordinate layout for a plot. In order to facilitate a consistent layout across multiple plots of the same network graph, the following changes have been made.

Essentially, generating new plots with addPlots() will ensure a consistent layout with the initial plots. Fixing a random seed before calling buildRepSeqNetwork() (or before the first call to addPlots(), if buildRepSeqNetwork() is called with plots = FALSE) allows the same layout to be reproduced across multiple executions of the same code in which the initial plots are generated.

Improved File Input Functionality

Lifecycle Changes

Minor Changes and Bug Fixes

NAIR 0.0.9044

Breaking Changes

New Features

Minor Changes and Bug Fixes

Lifecycle Changes

Documentation Changes

Backend Package Changes

NAIR 0.0.9043





NAIR 0.0.9042

Package Functions



NAIR 0.0.9041

Package Functions


NAIR 0.0.9040

Package Functions


Package Webpage

NAIR 0.0.9039

Package Metadata



NAIR 0.0.9038

Bug Fixes


Vignettes and Documentation

NAIR 0.0.9037

NAIR 0.0.9036

NAIR 0.0.9035

NAIR 0.0.9034

NAIR 0.0.9033

NAIR 0.0.9032

NAIR 0.0.9031

NAIR 0.0.9030

NAIR 0.0.9029

NAIR 0.0.9028

NAIR 0.0.9027

NAIR 0.0.9026

NAIR 0.0.9025

NAIR 0.0.9024

NAIR 0.0.9023

NAIR 0.0.9022

NAIR 0.0.9021

NAIR 0.0.9020

NAIR 0.0.9019

NAIR 0.0.9018

NAIR 0.0.9017

NAIR 0.0.9016

NAIR 0.0.9015

NAIR 0.0.9014

NAIR 0.0.9013

NAIR 0.0.9012

NAIR 0.0.9011

NAIR 0.0.9010

NAIR 0.0.9009

NAIR 0.0.9008

NAIR 0.0.9007

NAIR 0.0.9006

NAIR 0.0.9005

NAIR 0.0.9004

NAIR 0.0.9003

NAIR 0.0.9002

NAIR 0.0.9001

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NAIR documentation built on Sept. 27, 2023, 5:06 p.m.