Man pages for NCA
Necessary Condition Analysis

ceilingsa set of all available ceiling techniques
line.colorsa set defining the line colors for the plots
line.typesa set defining the line types for the plots
line.widthparameter defining the width of the lines in the plots
ncaRun a basic NCA analyses on a data set
nca_analysisRun NCA analyses on a data set
nca.exampleNCA example data with 2 independent and 1 dependent variables
nca.example2NCA example data with 3 independent and 1 dependent variables
nca_outliersOutlier detection
nca_outputdisplay the result of the NCA analysis
NCA-packageNecessary Condition Analysis
nca_powerFunction to evaluate power
nca_randomgenerating random data that meets necessity
point.colorparameter defining the point color in the plots
point.typeparameter defining the plotting symbol in the plots
NCA documentation built on May 29, 2024, 8:47 a.m.