Man pages for NCmisc
Miscellaneous Functions for Creating Adaptive Functions and Scripts

check.linux.installCheck whether a given system command is installed (e.g, bash)
comifyFunction to add commas for large numbers
comma.listPrint out comma separated list of values in X, truncating if...
cor.withSimulate a correlated variable
DimA more general dimension function
dup.pairsObtain an index of all instances of values with duplicates...
estimate.memoryEstimate the memory required for an object.
exists.not.functionDoes object exist ignoring functions The exists() function...
extend.pcExtend an interval by percentage
fakeLinesCreate fake text for testing purposes
file.splitSplit a text file into multiple parts
force.percentageForce argument to be a percentage with length one
force.scalarForce argument to be a numeric type with length one
get.distinct.colsReturn up to 22 distinct colours.
getRepositoriesDetect all available R repositories.
has.methodDetermine whether a function can be applied to an S4...
HeaderPrint heading text with a border.
headlA good way to preview large lists.
is.vec.logicalDetermine robustly whether a vector contains logical data
is.vec.numericDetermine robustly whether a vector contains numeric data all functions used in an R script file, by package variables from a list
loess.scatterDraw a scatterplot with a fit line
loop.trackerCreates a progess bar within a loop
memory.summarySummary of RAM footprint for all R objects in the current...
ModeFind the mode of a vector.
must.use.packageDo everything possible to load an R package.
narmReturn an object with missing values removed.
NCmisc-internalInternal NCmisc Functions
NCmisc-packageMiscellaneous Functions for Creating Adaptive Functions and...
nearest.toSelect the nearest point in an array to a given value
NumerifyConvert all possible columns of a data.frame to numeric
out.ofEasily display fraction and percentages
packages.loadedCheck whether a set of packages has been loaded
pad.leftPrint a vector with appropriate padding so each has equal...
pctileFind data thresholds corresponding to percentiles
ppaPosterior probability of association function
previewOutput variable states within functions during...
prvOutput variable states within functions/loops during...
prv.largeTidy display function for matrix objects p-values to Z-scores
replace.missing.dfIterate through numeric columns of a dataframe and replace...
Rfile.indexCreate an index file for an R function file
rmv.namesRemove names from a named vector or list
rmv.spcRemove leading and trailing spaces (or other character).
search.cranSearch all CRAN packages for those containing keyword(s).
sim.corSimulate a dataset with correlated measures
simple.dateSimple representation and retrieval of Date/Time
spcPrint a character a specified number of times.
standardizeConvert a numeric vector to Z-scores.
SubstituteConvert objects as arguments to object names
summarise.r.datasetsSummarise the dimensions and type of available R example...
summary2Descriptive summary with SD/SE + improved formatting
table2dWrapper for the base table() function that includes zero...
textogramMake an ascii histogram in the console.
timeitTimes an expression, with breakdown of time spent in each...
toheaderReturn a string with each first letter of each word in upper...
topMonitor CPU, RAM and Processes
UnlistUnlist a list, starting only from a set depth.
waitWait for a period of time.
which.outlierReturn vector indexes of statistical univariate outliers Z-scores to p-values
NCmisc documentation built on Oct. 17, 2022, 5:09 p.m.