Man pages for NMAoutlier
Detecting Outliers in Network Meta-Analysis

fwdplotForward plot(s) to monitor selected statistic(s)/method(s)
fwdplotestForward plots of summary treatment estimates
Gupta2013Network meta-analysis comparing interventions for actinic...
measplotPlot(s) to monitor selected outlier and influential...
MultiResiduals and log-likelihood contributions in multi-arm...
netmetNetwork meta-analysis for a set of studies
nmaNetwork meta-analysis for the whole dataset.
NMAoutlierForward Search algorithm in network meta-analysis
NMAoutlier.measuresOutlier and influential detection measures in network...
NMAoutlier-packageNMAoutlier: Brief overview of measures and methodologies for...
plotesthelperHelper function to create the plots of summary estimates and...
plothelperHelper function to create the plots for FS algorithm.
QnetplotQ-Q plot for network meta-analysis (Q-Q netplot).
res_multiStatistical measure in multi-arm studies
Schoenberg2013Network meta-analysis comparing the effects after...
NMAoutlier documentation built on Oct. 11, 2021, 5:23 p.m.