Man pages for NMsim
Seamless 'Nonmem' Simulation Platform

addCreate function that adds text elements to vector
addEVID2Add simulation records to dosing records
addResVarAdd residual variability based on parameter estimates
callNonmemDirectGenerate system command to call Nonmem directly
checkTimesTest if file modification times indicate that Nonmem models...
cleanStringsDrop spaces and odd characters. Use to ensure generated file...
completeCovExpand a set of covariate values into a data.set with...
dtapplyApply function and return a data.table
expandCovsCreate data set where each covariate is univariately varied
findUpdatedFilter control streams to only those updated since last run
genPhiFileGenerate a .phi file for further simulation with Nonmem
inputArchiveDefaultDefault location of input archive file
NMcreateDosesEasily and flexibly generate dosing records
NMcreateMatLinesCreate text lines for OMEGA and SIGMA Nonmem sections
NMexecExecute Nonmem and archive input data with model files
NMexecDirectoryExecute Nonmem inside a dedicated directory
NMgenPNMGenerate PNM file for sge clusters
NMreadSimRead simulation results based on NMsim's track of model runs
NMreadSimModTabRead simulation results from rds objects and/or NMsimModTab...
NMreadSimModTabOneRead simulation results from an rds or a NMsimModTab object
NMreadSimResRead simulation results from data.frames or fst files
NMreadSimResOneread one sim element. This will be run in lapply in...
NMreplaceInitsReplace initial values in Nonmem control stream
NMrunLinInternal function to run Nonmem on linux
NMseedAdd seed string to simulation model data.table
NMsimSimulate from an estimated Nonmem model
NMsim_asisSimulation method that uses the provided control stream as is
NMsimCheckModCheck a simulation control streams for things that can cause...
NMsim_defaultTransform an estimated Nonmem model into a simulation control...
NMsim_EBEUse emperical Bayes estimates to simulate re-using ETAs
NMsim_knownNMsim_known is an old name for NMsim_EBE()
NMsimModTabOperationsRemove NMsimModTab class and discard NMsimModTab meta data
NMsim_NWPRISimulate with parameter variability using the NONMEM NWPRI...
NMsimResOperationsRemove NMsimRes class and discard NMsimRes meta data
NMsimTestConfSummarize and test NMsim configuration
NMsim_typicalTypical subject simiulation method
NMsim_VarCovSimulate with parameter values sampled from a covariance step
NMupdateInitsCreate new Nonmem control stream with updated initial...
NWPRI_dfAdd degrees of freedom by OMEGA/SIGMA block
overwriteCreate function that modifies text elements in a vector
padZerospad zeros on integers
prettyMatLinesPrint OMEGA and SIGMA matrices for NONMEM sections in block...
readParsWideParameter data from csv
sampleParsSimparSample model parameters using the 'simpar' package
simpleCharArgCheck that a variable is a single character string meeting...
simPopEtasGenerate a population based on a Nonmem model
writeTextFileConveniently writeLines to file
NMsim documentation built on Nov. 2, 2024, 9:06 a.m.