expandCovs: Create data set where each covariate is univariately varied

View source: R/expandCovs.R

expandCovsR Documentation

Create data set where each covariate is univariately varied


Each covariate is univariately varied while other covariates are kept at reference values. This structure is often used for forest-plot type simulations.


expandCovs(..., data, col.id = "ID", sigdigs = 2, as.fun)



Covariates provided as lists - see examples. The name of the arguement must match columns in data set. An element called ref must contain either a reference value or a function to use to derive the reference value from data (e.g. 'median'). Provide either 'values' or 'quantiles' to define the covariate values of interest (typically, the values that should later be simulated and maybe shown in a forest plot). 'label' is optional - if missing, the argument name will be used. If quantiles are requested, they are derived after requiring unique values for each subject.


A data set needed if the reference(s) value of one or more covariates is/are provided as functions (like median), or if covariate values are provided as quantiles.


The subject ID column name. Necessary because quantiles sould be quantiles of distribution of covariate on subjects, not on observations (each subject contributes once).


Used for rounding of covariate values if using quantiles or if using a function to find reference.


The default is to return data as a data.frame. Pass a function (say 'tibble::as_tibble') in as.fun to convert to something else. If data.tables are wanted, use as.fun="data.table". The default can be configured using NMdataConf.


A data.frame


## Not run: 
file.mod <- system.file("examples/nonmem/xgxr134.mod",package="NMdata")
res <- NMdata::NMscanData(file.mod)
    WEIGHTB=list(ref=70,values=c(40,60,80,100),label="Bodyweight (kg)"),
## notice, values OR quantiles can be provided
    AGE=list(ref=median, quantiles=c(10,25,75,90)/100, label="Age (years)"

## End(Not run)

NMsim documentation built on Nov. 2, 2024, 9:06 a.m.