knitr::opts_chunk$set(echo = TRUE) library(NNS) library(data.table) data.table::setDTthreads(2L) options(mc.cores = 1) Sys.setenv("OMP_THREAD_LIMIT" = 2)
library(NNS) library(data.table) require(knitr) require(rgl)
offers several novel sampling methods from any distribution, as well as simulating variables while maintaining their dependence.
Cumulative distribution functions (CDFs) represent the probability a variable $X$ will take a value less than or equal to $x$. $$F(x) = P(X \leq x)$$
The empirical CDF is a simple construct, provided in the base package of R. We can generate an empirical CDF with the ecdf
function and create a function (P)
to return the CDF of a given value of $X$.
set.seed(123); x = rnorm(100) ecdf(x) P = ecdf(x) P(0); P(1)
)\label{LPMCDF} The empirical CDF and Lower Partial Moment CDF (LPM.ratio
) are identical when the degree term of the LPM.ratio
is set to zero.
Degree 0 LPM: $$LPM(0,t,X)=\frac{1}{N}\sum_{n=1}^{N}[max(t-X_n),0]^0$$ LPM.ratio
is equivalent to the following form for any target $(t)$ and variable $X$: $$LPM(0,t,X)=\frac{LPM(0,t,X)}{LPM(0,t,X)+UPM(0,t,X)}$$
Using the same targets from our ecdf
example above (0,1) we can compare LPM.ratio
LPM.ratio(degree = 0, target = 0, variable = x); LPM.ratio(degree = 0, target = 1, variable = x)
Calculating the probability for every target
value in $X$, we can plot both methods visualizing their identical results. ecdf
function in black and LPM.ratio
in red.
LPM.CDF = LPM.ratio(degree = 0, target = sort(x), variable = x) plot(ecdf(x)) points(sort(x), LPM.CDF, col='red') legend('left', legend = c('ecdf', 'LPM.ratio'), fill=c('black','red'), border=NA, bty='n')
degree > 0By simply increasing the degree
parameter to any positive real number, we can generate different CDFs of our initial distribution $x$.
zzz= rnorm(length(x), mean = 0, sd = 1) norm_approx = pnorm(sort(zzz), mean=0, sd=1) #pnorm(sort(x),mean=-mean(x),sd=sd(x)) plot(ecdf(x), main = "eCDF via LPM.ratio()", lwd = 4) # Altering shape of distribution with LPM degree for(i in c(0, 0.25, .5, 1, 2)){ idx <- which(i == c(0, 0.25, .5, 1, 2)) lines(sort(x), LPM.ratio(i, sort(x),x), col = rainbow(5, alpha = 1)[idx], lty = 1, lwd = 3) } lines(sort(zzz), norm_approx ,col='black', lty = 3, lwd = 2) legend("topleft",c("LPM.ratio(degree = 0)","LPM.ratio(degree = 0.25)","LPM.ratio(degree = 0.5)","LPM.ratio(degree = 1)","LPM.ratio(degree = 2)", "N(0,1) approximation"), col = c(rainbow(5)[1:5], "black"), lwd = 3, lty = c(rep(1, 5), 3))
)We can now generate distributions using the same insights and degree
manipulation in the corresponding LPM.VaR
function, a la value-at-risk, providing inverse CDF estimates.
The general form in the following plots is:
LPM.VaR(percentile = seq(0, 1, length.out = 100), degree = 0, x = x)
Any length percentile
can be used to sample from the underlying distribution $x$.
layout(matrix(c(1, 1, 1,1,1, 2, 3, 4,5,6, 2, 3, 4,5,6), nrow=5, byrow=FALSE),widths = c(2,rep(1,5))) plot(ecdf(x), main = "eCDF via LPM.ratio()", lwd = 4) # Altering shape of distribution with LPM degree for(i in c(0, 0.25, .5, 1, 2)){ idx <- which(i == c(0, 0.25, .5, 1, 2)) lines(sort(x), LPM.ratio(i, sort(x),x), col = rainbow(5, alpha = 1)[idx], lty = 1, lwd = 3) } lines(sort(zzz), norm_approx ,col='black', lty = 3, lwd = 2) legend("topleft",c("LPM.ratio(degree = 0)","LPM.ratio(degree = 0.25)","LPM.ratio(degree = 0.5)","LPM.ratio(degree = 1)","LPM.ratio(degree = 2)", "N(0,1) approximation"), col = c(rainbow(5)[1:5], "black"), lwd = 3, lty = c(rep(1, 5), 3)) y = hist(LPM.VaR(seq(0,1,length.out = 100), 0, x), plot = FALSE, breaks = 15) plot(y$breaks, c(y$counts,0), type = "s", col="black",lwd = 3, ylim = c(0,50), main = "Inverse CDF via LPM.VaR(degree 0)", breaks = 15, xlab = "x", ylab = "freq") hist(LPM.VaR(seq(0,1,length.out = 100), 0, x), add = TRUE, col = rainbow(5, alpha = .5)[1], breaks = 15) y = hist(LPM.VaR(seq(0,1,length.out = 100), 0, x), border = NA, plot = FALSE, breaks = 15) plot(y$breaks, c(y$counts,0) ,type="s",col="black",lwd = 3, ylim = c(0,50), main = "Inverse CDF via LPM.VaR(degree 0.25)", breaks = 15, xlab = "x", ylab = "freq") hist(LPM.VaR(seq(0,1,length.out = 100), .25, x), border = rainbow(5)[2], add = TRUE, col = rainbow(5, alpha = .5)[2], breaks = 15) y = hist(LPM.VaR(seq(0,1,length.out = 100), 0, x), plot = FALSE, breaks = 15) plot(y$breaks, c(y$counts,0) ,type="s",col="black",lwd = 3, ylim = c(0,50), main = "Inverse CDF via LPM.VaR(degree 0.5)", breaks = 15, xlab = "x", ylab = "freq") hist(LPM.VaR(seq(0,1,length.out = 100), .5, x), border = rainbow(5)[3], add = TRUE, col = rainbow(5, alpha = .5)[3], breaks = 15) y = hist(LPM.VaR(seq(0,1,length.out = 100), 0, x), plot = FALSE, breaks = 15) plot(y$breaks, c(y$counts,0) ,type="s",col="black",lwd = 3, ylim = c(0,50), main = "Inverse CDF via LPM.VaR(degree 1)", breaks = 15, xlab = "x", ylab = "freq") hist(LPM.VaR(seq(0,1,length.out = 100), 1, x), border = rainbow(5)[4], add = TRUE, col = rainbow(5, alpha = .5)[4], breaks = 15) y = hist(LPM.VaR(seq(0,1,length.out = 100), 0, x), plot = FALSE, breaks = 15) plot(y$breaks, c(y$counts,0) ,type="s",col="black",lwd = 3, ylim = c(0,50), main = "Inverse CDF via LPM.VaR(degree 2)", breaks = 15, xlab = "x", ylab = "freq") hist(LPM.VaR(seq(0,1,length.out = 100), 2, x), border = rainbow(5)[5], add = TRUE, col = rainbow(5, alpha = .5)[5], breaks = 15)
Viewing the first 10 samples from each of the degree
s compared to our original $X$.
degree.0.samples = LPM.VaR(percentile = seq(0, 1, length.out = 100), degree = 0, x = x) degree.0.25.samples = LPM.VaR(percentile = seq(0, 1, length.out = 100), degree = 0.25, x = x) degree.0.5.samples = LPM.VaR(percentile = seq(0, 1, length.out = 100), degree = 0.5, x = x) degree.1.samples = LPM.VaR(percentile = seq(0, 1, length.out = 100), degree = 1, x = x) degree.2.samples = LPM.VaR(percentile = seq(0, 1, length.out = 100), degree = 2, x = x) head(data.table::data.table(cbind("original x" = sort(x), degree.0.samples, degree.0.25.samples, degree.0.5.samples, degree.1.samples, degree.2.samples)), 10) original x degree.0.samples degree.0.25.samples degree.0.5.samples 1: -2.309169 -2.309169 -2.309097 -2.3090915 2: -1.966617 -1.966617 -1.941190 -1.6935509 3: -1.686693 -1.686693 -1.599486 -1.4541494 4: -1.548753 -1.548753 -1.382553 -1.2462731 5: -1.265396 -1.265396 -1.250823 -1.1453748 6: -1.265061 -1.265061 -1.176436 -1.0745440 7: -1.220718 -1.220718 -1.119655 -1.0252742 8: -1.138137 -1.138137 -1.067793 -0.9868693 9: -1.123109 -1.123109 -1.026429 -0.9322105 10: -1.071791 -1.071791 -1.014276 -0.8710942 degree.1.samples degree.2.samples 1: -2.3091021 -2.3091170 2: -1.4744653 -1.1614908 3: -1.2159961 -0.9709972 4: -1.0823023 -0.8610192 5: -0.9968028 -0.7810300 6: -0.9290505 -0.7169770 7: -0.8666886 -0.6631888 8: -0.8090433 -0.6170691 9: -0.7556644 -0.5765608 10: -0.7069835 -0.5403318
is based on the maximum entropy bootstrap, available in the R-package meboot
. This procedure is specifically designed for time-series and avoids the IID assumption in traditional methods.
The ability to sample from specified correlations ensures the full spectrum of future paths is sampled from. Typical Monte Carlo samples are restricted to [-0.3, 0.3] correlations to the original data.
We will generate 1 replicate of $X$ for each value of a sequence of $\rho$ values, and then plot the results compared to our original $X$ (black line). NNS.MC
is a streamlined wrapper function for this functionality of NNS.meboot
boots = NNS.MC(x, reps = 1, lower_rho = -1, upper_rho = 1, by = .5)$replicates reps =, boots) plot(x, type = "l", lwd = 3, ylim = c(min(reps), max(reps))) matplot(reps, type = "l", col = rainbow(length(boots)), add = TRUE)
Checking our replicate correlations:
sapply(boots, function(r) cor(r, x, method = "spearman")) rho = 1 rho = 0.5 rho = -0.5 rho = -1 1.0000000 0.4988059 -0.4995740 -0.9982358
More replicates and ensembles thereof can be generated for any number of $\rho$ values. Please see the full NNS.meboot
and NNS.MC
argument documentation.
Analogous to an empirical copula transformation, we can generate new data
from the dependence structure of our original data
via the following steps:
This is accomplished using LPM.ratio(1, x, x)
for continuous variables, and LPM.ratio(0, x, x)
for discrete variables, which are the empirical CDFs of the marginal variables.
new data
:new data
does not have to be of the same distribution or dimension as the original data
, nor does each dimension of new data
have to share a distribution type.
new data
:We then utilize LPM.VaR
to ascertain new data
values corresponding to original data
position mappings, and return a matrix of these transformed values with the same dimensions as
set.seed(123) x <- rnorm(1000); y <- rnorm(1000); z <- rnorm(1000) # Add variable x to original data to avoid total independence (example only) <- cbind(x, y, z, x) # Determine dependence structure dep.structure <- apply(, 2, function(x) LPM.ratio(degree = 1, target = x, variable = x)) # Generate new data with different mean, sd and length (or distribution type) <- sapply(1:ncol(, function(x) rnorm(nrow(*2, mean = 10, sd = 20)) # Apply dependence structure to new data <- sapply(1:ncol(, function(x) LPM.VaR(percentile = dep.structure[,x], degree = 1, x =[,x]))
Similar dependence with radically different values, since we used $N(10, 20)$ in place of our original $N(0,1)$ observations.
NNS.copula( NNS.copula( [1] 0.4379469 [1] 0.4390599
head( head( x y z x [1,] -0.56047565 -0.99579872 -0.5116037 -0.56047565 [2,] -0.23017749 -1.03995504 0.2369379 -0.23017749 [3,] 1.55870831 -0.01798024 -0.5415892 1.55870831 [4,] 0.07050839 -0.13217513 1.2192276 0.07050839 [5,] 0.12928774 -2.54934277 0.1741359 0.12928774 [6,] 1.71506499 1.04057346 -0.6152683 1.71506499 [,1] [,2] [,3] [,4] [1,] -2.028109 -10.498044 -0.2090467 -1.682949 [2,] 4.608303 -11.390485 15.6213689 4.852534 [3,] 39.478741 8.836581 -0.8508203 40.585505 [4,] 10.683731 6.609255 36.0328589 10.877677 [5,] 11.866922 -47.955235 14.3111350 12.064633 [6,] 42.665726 29.639640 -2.4141874 43.797025
Alternatively, if we wish to keep the simulated values close to the original data, we can apply the NNS.meboot
procedure to each of the variables.
We will generate 1 replicate (for brevity) of $\rho = 0.95$ to our
, use their ensemble
and note the multivariate dependence among our
# Apply bootstrap to each variable = apply(, 2, function(r) NNS.meboot(r, reps = 1, rho = .95)) # Reformat into vectors boot.ensemble.vectors = lapply(, function(z) unlist(z["ensemble",])) # Create matrix from vectors new.boot.dep.matrix =, boot.ensemble.vectors)
Checking ensemble
correlations with
for(i in 1:4) print(cor(new.boot.dep.matrix[,i],[,i], method = "spearman")) [1] 0.9453275 [1] 0.9523726 [1] 0.9498499 [1] 0.9524516
Similar dependence with similar values.
NNS.copula( NNS.copula(new.boot.dep.matrix) [1] 0.4379469 [1] 0.4302545
head( head(new.boot.dep.matrix) x y z x [1,] -0.56047565 -0.99579872 -0.5116037 -0.56047565 [2,] -0.23017749 -1.03995504 0.2369379 -0.23017749 [3,] 1.55870831 -0.01798024 -0.5415892 1.55870831 [4,] 0.07050839 -0.13217513 1.2192276 0.07050839 [5,] 0.12928774 -2.54934277 0.1741359 0.12928774 [6,] 1.71506499 1.04057346 -0.6152683 1.71506499 x y z x ensemble1 -0.4667731 -0.8418413 -0.6139059 -0.4708890 ensemble2 -0.2333747 -1.0908710 0.3748315 -0.2711240 ensemble3 1.4799734 0.2893831 -0.3851513 1.3645317 ensemble4 0.1751654 0.2995113 1.1342461 0.1486429 ensemble5 0.4128802 -2.9789634 -0.1141124 0.3846150 ensemble6 1.5592660 1.1800553 -0.5285532 1.5041917
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Sys.setenv("OMP_THREAD_LIMIT" = "")
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