
## not used. aborted experiment in svg
coordstring =
  '[9, 8],
[15, 15],
[24, 22],
[24, 23],
[26, 30],
[26, 39],
[34, 39],
[40, 40],
[47, 41],
[52, 50],
[44, 50],
[45, 53],
[48, 55],
[53, 61],
[57, 69],
[65, 78],
[65, 78],
[73, 87],
[76, 93],
[82, 94],
[86, 96],
[90, 105],
[95, 114],
[95, 122]'

# coordmatrix = matrix(ncol=2, byrow=T,
#                          as.numeric(eval(parse(text=
#                                                  paste(
#                            "c(",
#                          gsub("\\[|\\]|\n","",
#                               coordstring),
#                          ")"
#                          )
#                          )))
# )

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NNTbiomarker documentation built on May 1, 2019, 11:15 p.m.