Man pages for NPCirc
Nonparametric Circular Methods

ancova.circ.linNonparametric analysis of covariance tests for circular...
bw.AADirect and solve-the-equation plug-in rule
bw.bootBootstrap method
bw.circ.local.likSmoothing parameter selection for circular local likelihood...
bw.CVCross-validation for density estimation
bw.joint.dpcircSmoothing parameter selection for circular double Poisson...
bw.modalreg.circ.linSmoothing parameter selection for circular multimdodal...
bw.piPlug-in rule
bw.reg.circ.linCross-validation rule for circular regression estimation
bw.rtRule of thumb
circ.local.likLocal likelihood estimation for regression with circular...
circsizer.densityCircSiZer map for density
circsizer.mapCircSiZer map
circsizer.regressionCircSiZer map for regression
cross.beds1Cross-beds azimuths (I)
cross.beds2Cross-beds (II)
cycle.changesCycle changes
dcircmixMixtures of circular distributions
dpreg.circJoint parametric estimation of mean and dispersion functions...
dragonflyOrientations of dragonflies
dwsnWrapped skew-Normal density function
flywheelsFlywheel measurements
HumanMotorResonanceHuman motor resonance data
kern.den.circKernel density derivative estimate for circular data
kern.dpreg.circJoint kernel estimation of mean and dispersion functions in...
kern.reg.circ.linNonparametric regression estimation for circular data
lines.regression.circularAdd a plot for circular regression
modalreg.circ.linCircular multimodal regression estimation
noeffect.circ.linNo-effect test for regression with circular data
NPCirc-internalInternal NPCirc Functions
NPCirc-packageNonparametric circular methods.
periwinklesOrientations of dragonflies
plot.regression.circularPlot circular regression
pm10Pm10 particles in Pontevedra, Spain
sandhoppersBehavioral plasticity of Talitrus saltator and Talorchestia...
speed.windWind speed and wind direction data
spikesNeuronal spikes in a macaque monkey
temp.windTemperature and wind direction data
windWind direction data
NPCirc documentation built on Nov. 10, 2022, 5:48 p.m.