Man pages for NetLogoR
Build and Run Spatially Explicit Agent-Based Models

agentMatrixCreate a new 'agentMatrix' object
agentMatrix-bind-methodsCombine R Objects by Rows or Columns
agentMatrix-classThe 'agentMatrix' class
agentMatrix-compare-methodsRelational Operators
agentMatrix-show-methodsKey base R functions for 'agentMatrix' class
bboxExtract or set bounding box
bkMove backward
canMoveCan the 'turtles' move?
cellFromPxcorPycorCells numbers from 'patches' coordinates
clearPatchesClear 'world"s 'patches'
coordinatesSpatial accessors and setters for NetLogoR classes
createOTurtlesCreate ordered 'turtles'
createTurtlesCreate 'turtles'
createWorldCreate a 'world'
dieKill 'turtles'
diffuseDiffuse values in a 'world'
dot-bboxCoords'.bboxCoords' is a drop in replacement for...
downhillMove downhill
extentBounding box and extent methods for NetLogoR classes
extract-methodsExtract or Replace Parts of an Object
faceFace something
fargsFunction arguments
fdMove forward
hatchHatch new 'turtles'
homeReturn home
inCone'Agents' in cone
initialize-agentMatrix-methodInitialize for 'agentMatrix' Class
inRadius'Agents' in radius
inspectInspect 'turtles'
isNLclassType of object
layoutCircleLayout 'turtles' on a circle
leftRotate to the left
maxNof'N' 'agents' with maximum
maxOneOfOne 'agent' with maximum
maxPxcorMaximum 'pxcor'
maxPycorMaximum 'pycor'
minNof'N' 'agents' with minimum
minOneOfOne 'agent' with minimum
minPxcorMinimum 'pxcor'
minPycorMinimum 'pycor'
moveToMove to
neighborsNeighbors 'patches'
NetLogoR-packageThe 'NetLogoR' package
NLallAll agents?
NLanyAny agents?
NLcountCount agents
NLdistDistances between agents
NLsetSet an 'agents' variable
NLwith'Agents' with
NLworldIndex'WorldMatrix' indices from vector indices
nOfN random 'agents'
noPatchesNo 'patches'
noTurtlesNo 'turtles'
ofValues of an 'agents' variable
oneOfOne random 'agent'
patch'Patches' coordinates
patchAhead'Patches' ahead
patchAt'Patches' at
patchDistDir'Patches' at given distances and directions
patchesAll the 'patches' in a 'world'
patchHere'Patches' here
patchLeft'Patches' on the left
patchRight'Patches' on the right
patchSet'Patch' set
pExistDo the patches exist?
plotMethodsBasic plot methods for 'agentMatrix', 'worldMatrix',...
projNowhereInternal CRS usage
PxcorPycorFromCell'Patches' coordinates from cells numbers
quickPlot-methodsMethods for 'quickPlot'
randomPxcorRandom 'pxcor'
randomPycorRandom 'pycor'
randomXcorRandom 'xcor'
randomXYcorRandom 'turtles' coordinates
randomYcorRandom 'ycor'
raster2worldConvert a Raster* object into a 'worldMatrix' or 'worldArray'...
rightRotate to the right
setXYSet 'turtles" locations
sf2turtlesFrom 'sf' to 'agentMatrix'
show-methodsKey base R functions for 'worldNLR' classes
sortOnSort 'agents'
spatRast2worldConvert a 'SpatRaster' object into a 'worldMatrix' or...
spdf2turtlesFrom 'SpatialPointsDataFrame' to 'agentMatrix'
sproutSprout new 'turtles'
stackWorldsStack 'worlds'
subHeadingsSubtract 'headings'
subsettingSubsetting and replacing for 'worldArray' class
tExistDo the 'turtle' exist?
towardsDirections towards
turtleSelect 'turtles'
turtles2sfFrom 'agentMatrix' to 'sf'
turtles2spdfFrom 'agentMatrix' to 'SpatialPointsDataFrame'
turtlesAt'Turtles' at
turtleSetCreate a 'turtle' 'agentset'
turtlesOn'Turtles' on
turtlesOwnNew 'turtles' variable
updateListUpdate elements of a named list with elements of a second...
uphillMove uphill
withMax'Agents' with maximum
withMin'Agents' with minimum
world2rasterConvert a 'worldMatrix' or 'worldArray' object into a Raster*...
world2spatRastConvert a 'worldMatrix' or 'worldArray' object into a...
worldArray-classThe 'worldArray' class
worldHeight'World' height
worldMatrix-classThe 'worldMatrix' class
worldNLR-classThe 'worldNLR' class
worldWidth'World' width
wrapWrap coordinates or pixels in a torus-like fashion
NetLogoR documentation built on May 29, 2024, 11:13 a.m.