Man pages for NetworkExtinction
Extinction Simulation in Ecological Networks

chilean_intertidalThe binaryfoodweb of the intertidal zone in central chile
chilean_potentialThe potential foodweb of the intertidal zone in central chile
chilean_weightedThe weighted foodweb of the intertidal zone in central chile
CompareExtinctionsComparison of Null hypothesis with other extinction histories
DegreeDistributionDegree distribution of the network
distA toymodel distance matrix
ExtinctionOrderExtinctions analysis from custom order
ExtinctionPlotPlots the extinctions history of a network
Less_ConnectedA sparsely connected foodweb
More_ConnectedA densely connected foodweb
mutualA mutualistic web
netA toymodel trophic network
RandomExtinctionsRandom extinction
SimulateExtinctionsExtinctions analysis for ecological networks
NetworkExtinction documentation built on March 31, 2023, 9:01 p.m.