chilean_intertidal: The binaryfoodweb of the intertidal zone in central chile

chilean_intertidalR Documentation

The binaryfoodweb of the intertidal zone in central chile


A trophic network with 107 species present in the intertidal zone of central Chile. The food web was reconstructed from the Kefi et al. 2015




a network


Kefi, Sonia, Eric L. Berlow, Evie A. Wieters, Lucas N. Joppa, Spencer A. Wood, Ulrich Brose, and Sergio A. Navarrete. "Network structure beyond food webs: mapping non trophic and trophic interactions on Chilean rocky shores." Ecology 96, no. 1 (2015.

NetworkExtinction documentation built on March 31, 2023, 9:01 p.m.