Man pages for Nozzle.R1
Nozzle Reports

addToAdd child elements to a parent element.
addToInputAdd elements to the "Input" subsection in the "Methods &...
addToIntroductionAdd elements to the "Introduction" subsection in the...
addToMetaAdd elements to the "Meta" section of a standard report.
addToMethodsAdd elements to the "Methds & Data" section of a standard...
addToOverviewAdd elements to the "Overview" section of a standard report.
addToReferencesAdd elements to the "References" subsection in the "Methods &...
addToResultsAdd elements to the "Results" section of a standard report.
addToSummaryAdd elements to the "Summary" subsection in the "Overview"...
asCodeFormat text as code.
asEmphFormat text with emphasis (usually resulting in text set in...
asFilenameFormat text as filename.
asLinkFormat text as a hyperlink.
asParameterFormat text as parameter.
asReferenceReference a citation, figure or table element.
asStrongFormat text with strong emphasis (usually resulting in text...
asSummaryInclude a result in text. This is a legacy method and...
asValueFormat text as value.
DEFAULT.REPORT.FILENAMEDefault filename for reports.
DEFAULT.SIGNIFICANT.ENTITYName of entities that are labeled as signficiant.
getContactInformationEmailGet contact email address for 'report'.
getContactInformationLabelGet label for contact button for 'report'.
getContactInformationMessageGet contact email default message for 'report'.
getContactInformationSubjectGet contact email subject line for 'report'.
getCopyrightOwnerGet name of the copyright owner for 'report'.
getCopyrightStatementGet copyright statement for 'report'. This text is linked to...
getCopyrightUrlGet copyright URL for 'report', which is linked to the...
getCopyrightYearGet copyright year 'report'.
getCreatorDateGet date when 'report' was created.
getCreatorNameGet name and version of the Nozzle package that was used to...
getCustomPrintCssGet the path or URL of the CSS file to be used to overwrite...
getCustomScreenCssGet the path or URL of the CSS file to be used to overwrite...
getDoiGet the DOI (document object identifier,
getDoiCreatorGet the DOI creator for 'report'.
getDoiPublisherGet the DOI publisher for 'report'.
getDoiResolverGet the DOI resolver URL (e.g. for...
getDoiTitleGet the DOI title for 'report'.
getDoiVersionGet the DOI version for 'report'.
getDoiYearGet the DOI year for 'report'.
getExportedElementGet an exported element from a report. This can be used to...
getExportedElementIdsGet the IDs of exported elements from 'report'. This is an...
getFigureFileGet path or URL of image file associated with a figure...
getFigureFileHighResGet path or URL of high-resolution of vector-based image file...
getGoogleAnalyticsIdGet Google Analytics tracking ID for 'report'.
getLogoGet logo file for one of six positions (three at the top,...
getMaintainerAffiliationGet affiliation of maintainer of 'report'.
getMaintainerEmailGet email address of maintainer of 'report'.
getMaintainerNameGet name of maintainer of 'report'.
getRendererDateGet date when 'report' was rendered.
getRendererNameGet name and version of the Nozzle package that was used to...
getReportIdGet the ID (a UUID) of 'report'.
getReportSubtitleGet the subtitle of 'report'.
getReportTitleGet the title of 'report'.
getSignificantEntityGet name of entities that are called out as significant, e.g....
getSignificantResultsCountGet the total number of significant results in 'report'.
getSoftwareNameGet the name of the software that used Nozzle to generate...
getSoftwareVersionGet the version of the software that used Nozzle to generate...
getSummaryGet the first element of the "Summary" subsection in the...
getTableFileGet path or URL of file associatd with table element.
HTML.REPORTOutput type.
isFigureTest if 'element' is a figure element.
isTableTest if 'element' is a table element.
LOGO.BOTTOM.LEFTLogo position.
LOGO.TOP.CENTERLogo position.
LOGO.TOP.LEFTLogo position.
LOGO.TOP.RIGHTLogo position.
newCitationCreate a citation element.
newCustomReportCreate a new custom report without pre-defined sections.
newFigureCreate a new list element.
newHtmlCreate a new freeform HTML element. THIS MUST BE USED WITH...
newJournalCitationCreate a citation element that represents a document...
newListCreate a new list element.
newParagraphCreate a new paragraph element.
newParameterListCreate a new parameter list element. A parameter list is an...
newReportCreate a new report with pre-defined sections...
newResultCreate a new result element.
newSectionCreate a new section element.
newSubSectionCreate a new subsection element.
newSubSubSectionCreate a new subsubsection element.
newTableCreate new table element.
newWebCitationCreate a citation element that represents a document...
Nozzle.R1-packageNozzle: a Report Generation Toolkit for Data Analysis...
PROTECTION.GROUPGroup visibility.
PROTECTION.PRIVATEPrivate visibility.
PROTECTION.PUBLICPublic visibility.
PROTECTION.TCGAGroup visibility.
RDATA.REPORTOutput type.
setContactInformationSet contact information for 'report'. This is used to create...
setCopyrightSet copyright messsage for 'report'.
setCustomPrintCssSet the path or URL of the CSS file to be used to overwrite...
setCustomScreenCssSet the path or URL of the CSS file to be used to overwrite...
setDoiSet the DOI (document object identifier,
setDoiCreatorSet the DOI meta data creator for 'report'.
setDoiPublisherSet the DOI meta data publisher for 'report'.
setDoiResolverSet the DOI resolver URL (e.g. for...
setDoiTitleSet the DOI meta data title for 'report'.
setDoiVersionSet the DOI meta data version for 'report'.
setDoiYearSet the DOI meta data year for 'report'.
setFigureFileSet path or URL of image file associated with a figure...
setFigureFileHighResSet path or URL of high-resolution or vector-based image file...
setGoogleAnalyticsIdSet the Google Analytics tracking ID to be embedded in this...
setLogoSet a logo file for one of six positions (three at the top,...
setMaintainerAffiliationSet affiliation of maintainer of 'report'.
setMaintainerEmailSet email address of maintainer of 'report'.
setMaintainerNameSet name of maintainer of 'report'.
setNextReportSet the URL and title of the "next" report after 'report'....
setParentReportSet the URL and title of the "parent" report above 'report'....
setPreviousReportSet the URL and title of the "previous" report before...
setReportSubtitleSet the subtitle of 'report'.
setReportTitleSet the title of 'report'.
setSignificantEntitySet name of entities that are called out as significant, e.g....
setSoftwareNameSet the name of the software that used Nozzle to generate...
setSoftwareVersionSet the name of the software that used Nozzle to generate...
setTableFileSet path or URL of file associatd with table element.
TABLE.SIGNIFICANT.DIGITSDefault number of significant digits to be used to trim...
writeReportWrite 'report' to file.
Nozzle.R1 documentation built on June 23, 2022, 9:10 a.m.