Man pages for OBIC
Calculate the Open Bodem Index (OBI) Score

add_managementEstimate default values for management
binnenveldExample dataset for use in OBIC package
bouwsteen_tbTable with water retention properties of 'bouwstenen'
calc_aggregatestabilityCalculate aggregate stability index based on occupation CEC
calc_bcsCalculate the BodemConditieScore
calc_bulk_densityCalculate the bulk density
calc_cecCalculate a soil fertility index based on the CEC
calc_copper_availabilityCalculate the availability of the metal Cu
calc_cropclassDetermine classification rules for crops used to prepare...
calc_crumbleabilityCalculate the crumbleability
calc_grass_ageCalculate the average age of the grass
calc_magnesium_availabilityCalculate the capacity of soils to supply Magnesium
calc_makkinkAdd Makkink correction factors and crop cover to crop...
calc_managementCalculate the 'performance' of sustainable soil management
calc_man_essCalculate the 'performance' of sustainable soil management...
calc_n_efficiencyCalculate nitrogen use efficiency and leaching based on N...
calc_nleachCalculate the N leaching
calc_nlvCalculate the NLV
calc_organic_carbonCalculate amount of organic carbon
calc_permeabilityCalculate the permeability of the top soil
calc_pesticide_leachingCalculate risk of pesticide leaching
calc_ph_deltaCalculate the difference between pH and optimum
calc_phosphate_availabilityCalculate the phosphate availability (PBI)
calc_pmnCalculate the index for the microbial biological activity
calc_potassium_availabilityCalculate the K availability
calc_pspCalculate the precipitation surplus
calc_root_depthDetermine the root depth of the soil for this crop
calc_rotation_fractionCalculates the fraction in the crop rotation
calc_sbal_arableCalculate the indicator for delta S-balance arable
calc_sealing_riskCalculate soil sealing risk
calc_slvCalculate the SLV
calc_sombalanceCalculate simple organic matter balance
calc_waterretentionCalculate indicators for water retention in topsoil
calc_waterstressindexCalculate the Water Stress Index
calc_winderodibilityCalculate indicator for wind erodibility
calc_workabilityCalculate indicator for workability
calc_zinc_availabilityCalculate the availability of the metal Zinc
cf_ind_importanceHelper function to weight and correct the risk and scores
column_description.obicColumn description for the OBIC
crops.makkinkMakkink correction factor table
crops.obicLinking table between crops and different functions in OBIC
eval.crumbleabilityCoefficient table for evaluating crumbleability
evaluate_logisticEvaluate using the general logistic function
evaluate_parabolicEvaluate using parabolic function with
format_aerConvert possible B_AER_CBS values to standardized values
format_gwtConvert possible B_GWL_CLASS values to standardized values
format_soilcompactionConvert possible B_SC_WENR values to standardized values
ind_aggregatestabilityCalculate the indicator aggregate stability
ind_bcsCalculate the indicator for BodemConditieScore
ind_cecCalculate the indicator for soil fertility given the CEC
ind_compactionCalculate indicator for subsoil compaction
ind_copperCalculate the indicator for Cu-availability
ind_crumbleabilityCalculate the indicator for crumbleability
ind_gw_rechargeCalculate groundwater recharge of a soil
ind_magnesiumCalculate the indicator for Magnesium
ind_managementCalculate the indicator for sustainable management
ind_man_essCalculate the indicator for sustainable management given a...
ind_n_efficiencyCalculate an indicator value for nitrogen use efficiency and...
ind_nematodesCalculate indicator for plant parasitic nematodes
ind_nematodes_listCalculate indicator for plant parasitic nematodes
ind_nitrogenCalculate the indicator for NLV
ind_nretentionCalculate the indicator for N retention for groundwater or...
ind_permeabilityCalculate the indicator score for the permeability of the top...
ind_pesticide_leachingCalculate an indicator score for pesticide leaching
ind_phCalculate the indicator for pH
ind_phosphate_availabilityCalculate the indicator for the the phosphate availability
ind_pmnCalculate the indicator for microbial biological activity
ind_potassiumCalculate the indicator for Potassium Availability
ind_pspCalculate indicator for precipitation surplus
ind_resistanceCalculate indicator for soil resistance
ind_sealingCalculate the soil sealing indicator
ind_sulfurCalculate the indicator for SLV
ind_sulpherCalculate the indicator for SLV (deprecated)
ind_waterretentionCalculate indicator for Water Retention index
ind_waterstressindexCalculate the Water Stress Index
ind_winderodibilityCalculate indicator for wind erodibility
ind_workabilityCalculate indicator for workability
ind_zincCalculate the indicator for Zn-availability
management.obicRelational table linking soil management measures to...
nema.crop.rot.obicDamage and reproduction of soil-borne pathogens and pests on...
nema.obicNematode table
nleach_tableTable with fractions of excess N which runs off to...
obic_evalmeasureEvaluate effects of measures
obic_farmCalculate the Open Bodem Index score for a series of fields...
obic_fieldCalculate the Open Bodem Index score for one field
obic_field_dtCalculate the Open Bodem Index score for a data table
obic_recommendationsRecommend measurements for better soil management
obic_recommendations_bkpRecommend measurements for better soil management
pF_curveWater retention curve
pFpara_classParameter estimation based on class of Staringreeks (Tabel 3,...
pFpara_ptf_Wosten1999Estimate water retention curve parameters based on Wosten...
pFpara_ptf_Wosten2001Estimate water retention curve parameters based on Wosten...
recom.obicApplicability range of measures, including literature based...
recom.obic_bkpEffects of measures on soil indicators
season.obicDesired growing season period for maximum yield
soils.obicLinking table between soils and different functions in OBIC with optimal pH for different crop plans
waterstress.obicLinking table between crops, soils, groundwater tables and...
weather.obicWeather table
weight.obicWeight of indicators to calculate integrated scores
OBIC documentation built on Sept. 12, 2024, 7:02 a.m.