View source: R/waterretention.R
pFpara_ptf_Wosten2001 | R Documentation |
This function estimates water retention curve parameters using Pedo transfer function of Wosten (2001)
pFpara_ptf_Wosten2001(Pklei, Pleem, Psom, M50, Bovengrond)
Pklei |
(numeric) The clay (<2um) content of the soil (%) |
Pleem |
(numeric) The loam (<50um) content of the soil (%) Pleem > 0 |
Psom |
(numeric) The organic matter content of the soil (%) Psom > 0 |
M50 |
(numeric)size of sand fraction (um) |
Bovengrond |
(boolean) whether topsoil (1) or not (0) |
a table with the following columns: Dichtheid (numeric) soil bulk density (g/cm3) ThetaR (numeric) residual water content (cm3/cm3) ThetaS (numeric) saturated water content (cm3/cm3) alfa (numeric) related to the inverse of the air entry suction, alfa > 0 (1/cm) n (numeric) a measure of the pore-size distribution, n>1, dimensionless ksat (numeric) saturated hydraulic conductivity (cm/d) l (numeric) dimension parameter
Wösten, J. H. M., Veerman, G. ., de Groot, W. J., & Stolte, J. (2001). Waterretentie en doorlatendheidskarakteristieken van boven- en ondergronden in Nederland: de Staringreeks. Alterra Rapport, 153, 86.
pFpara_ptf_Wosten2001(Pklei = 25, Pleem = 15, Psom = 4.5,M50 = 150, Bovengrond = 1)
pFpara_ptf_Wosten2001(Pklei = 45, Pleem = 3, Psom = 4.5,M50 = 150,Bovengrond = 1)
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