
test_that("select_pred works", {
  sim_data <- simu_data[c(1:150, 301:520), ]

  ## overlayed without RF

  test1 <- select_pred(sim_data,
    Y = "Yb1", Z = "Yb2", ID = 1, OUT = "Y",
    quanti = c(3, 8), nominal = c(1, 4:5, 7), ordinal = c(2, 6),
    thresh_cat = 0.30, thresh_num = 0.70, thresh_Y = 0.20,
    RF = FALSE

  # expect_that(test1,is_a("list"))
  expect_equal(length(test1), 11)

  expect_length(test1[[1]], 1)
  expect_identical(test1[[2]], "Yb1")
  expect_length(test1[[4]], 0)
  expect_equal(dim(test1[[5]]), dim(sim_data[sim_data[, 1] == "A", ]))
  expect_that(test1[[6]], is_a("data.frame"))
  expect_equal(ncol(test1[[6]]), 5)
  expect_that(test1[[7]], is_a("data.frame"))
  expect_equal(ncol(test1[[7]]), 5)
  expect_that(test1[[8]], is_a("data.frame"))
  expect_equal(ncol(test1[[8]]), 5)
  expect_that(test1[[9]], is_a("data.frame"))
  expect_equal(ncol(test1[[9]]), 5)
  expect_length(test1[[10]], 3)
  # expect_that(test1[[11]],is_a("list"))
  expect_true(all(test1[[11]][[1]][, 3] > 0.30))

  ## overlayed with RF

  test2 <- select_pred(sim_data,
    Y = "Yb1", Z = "Yb2", ID = 1, OUT = "Z",
    quanti = c(3, 8), nominal = c(1, 4:5, 7), ordinal = c(2, 6),
    thresh_cat = 0.30, thresh_num = 0.70, thresh_Y = 0.20,
    RF = TRUE, RF_SEED = 448571

  expect_equal(test2[[1]], 448571)
  # expect_that(test2,is_a("list"))
  expect_equal(length(test2), 14)

  expect_identical(test2[[2]], "Yb2")
  expect_length(test2[[4]], 0)
  expect_equal(dim(test2[[5]]), dim(sim_data[sim_data[, 1] == "B", ]))
  # expect_true(is.vector(test2[[13]]))
  expect_identical(names(test2[[13]])[test2[[13]] > 20], test2[[14]])

  ## convert + ident + logical

  sim_data2 <- sim_data[, c(2:4, 1, 5:8)]
  sim_data2$logi <- rep(c(TRUE, FALSE), nrow(sim_data2) / 2)

  # test3 = select_pred(sim_data2,Y = "Yb1", Z = "Yb2", ID = 4, OUT = "Y",
  #                    quanti = c(2,8), nominal = c(4,3,5,7), ordinal = c(1,6),
  #                    logic = 9, convert_num = 8, convert_class = 4,
  #                    thresh_cat = 0.30, thresh_num = 0.70, thresh_Y = 0.20,
  #                    RF = TRUE)

  # expect_equal(dim(test3[[5]]),dim(sim_data2[sim_data2[,4]=="A",]))

  ## single database

  sim_data3 <- sim_data2[sim_data2[, 4] == "B", ]
  sim_data3 <- sim_data3[, -1]

  test4 <- select_pred(sim_data3,
    Y = "Yb2", Z = NULL, ID = 3, OUT = "Y",
    quanti = c(1, 7), nominal = c(3, 2, 4, 6), ordinal = 5,
    logic = 8, convert_num = 7, convert_class = 4,
    thresh_cat = 0.30, thresh_num = 0.70, thresh_Y = 0.20,
    RF = TRUE

  expect_equal(dim(test4[[5]]), dim(sim_data3))

  # RF condi

  # ident_NA  = unique(unlist(lapply(sim_data2[,3:9],function(x)which(is.na(x)))))
  # sim_data4 = sim_data2[-ident_NA,]

  # test5 = select_pred(sim_data4,Y = "Yb1", Z = "Yb2", ID = 4, OUT = "Y",
  #                  quanti = c(2,8), nominal = c(4,3,5,7), ordinal = c(1,6),
  #                  logic = 9, convert_num = 8, convert_class = 4,
  #                  thresh_cat = 0.30, thresh_num = 0.70, thresh_Y = 0.20,
  #                  RF = TRUE, RF_condi = TRUE, RF_SEED = 2036)

  # expect_equal(length(test5),14)
  # expect_equal(test5[[1]],2036)
  # expect_equal(dim(test5[[5]]),dim(sim_data4[sim_data4[,4]=="A",]))

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