Man pages for OneTwoSamples
Deal with One and Two (Normal) Samples

data_outlineCompute various descriptive statistics
detailShow details of an object
interval_estimate1Two sided interval estimation of 'mu' of one normal sample
interval_estimate2Two sided interval estimation of 'mu1-mu2' of two normal...
interval_estimate3Two sided interval estimation of 'mu' of one non-normal...
interval_estimate4Two sided or one sided interval estimation of 'mu' of one...
interval_estimate5Two sided or one sided interval estimation of 'mu1-mu2' of...
interval_var1Two sided interval estimation of 'sigma^2' of one normal...
interval_var2Two sided interval estimation of 'sigma1^2 / sigma2^2' of two...
interval_var3Two sided or one sided interval estimation of 'sigma^2' of...
interval_var4Two sided or one sided interval estimation of 'sigma1^2 /...
mean_test1Two sided or one sided test of hypothesis of 'mu' of one...
mean_test2Two sided or one sided test of hypothesis of 'mu1' and 'mu2'...
one_sampleDeal with one (normal) sample
one_two_sampleDeal with one and two (normal) samples
OneTwoSamples-packageDeal with One and Two (Normal) Samples
p_valueCompute the P value
var_test1Two sided or one sided test of hypothesis of 'sigma^2' of one...
var_test2Two sided or one sided test of hypothesis of 'sigma1^2' and...
OneTwoSamples documentation built on March 31, 2023, 11:49 p.m.