Man pages for OpenLand
Quantitative Analysis and Visualization of LUCC

acc_changesAccumulates changes in a LULC raster time series
acessorAccessor method for objects from Intensity Analysis
barplotLandArea of LUC categories at time points
Category-classClass Category
chordDiagramLandOne step transitions (Chord diagram)
contingencyTableContingency table
dot-demo_landscapeCreate Raster with Random pixel Value
intensityAnalysisPerforms the intensity analysis based on cross-tabulation...
Interval-classClass Interval
netgrossplotNet and gross changes of LUC categories
OpenLand-packageOpenLand: land use and cover (LUC) time series analysis in R.
plotMethods for function 'plot' in package 'OpenLand'
sankeyLandSankey diagram of LUC transitions (one or multistep)
SL_2002_2014Tables of land use and cover (LUC) in the São Lourenço River...
summary_dirSummary of multiple parameters in a raster directory
summary_mapQuantitative summary of a unique categorical raster
Transition-classClass Transition
OpenLand documentation built on Nov. 2, 2021, 9:13 a.m.