mxComputeJacobian: Numerically estimate the Jacobian with respect to free...

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mxComputeJacobianR Documentation

Numerically estimate the Jacobian with respect to free parameters


When algebra names are given, all algebras must belong to the same model.

When expectations are given, the Jacobian is taken with respect to the manifest model. The manifest model excludes any latent variables or processes. For RAM and LISREL models, the manifest model contains only the manifest variables with free means, covariance, and thresholds. Ordinal manifest variables are standardized.


mxComputeJacobian(freeSet=NA_character_, ..., of = "expectation",
 defvar.row=as.integer(NA), data='data')



names of matrices containing free variables


Not used. Forces remaining arguments to be specified by name.


a character vector of expectations or algebra names


A row index. Which row to load for definition variables.


From which data to load definition variables.

See Also

omxManifestModelByParameterJacobian, mxGetExpected

OpenMx documentation built on June 22, 2024, 11:31 a.m.