omxLocateParameters: Get the location (model, matrix, row, column) and other info...

View source: R/MxModelParameters.R

omxLocateParametersR Documentation

Get the location (model, matrix, row, column) and other info for a parameter


Returns a data.frame summarizing the free parameters in a model, possibly filtered using ‘labels’.

For each located parameter, the label, model, matrix, row, col, value, and lbound & ubound are given as a row in the dataframe.

Duplicated labels return a row for each location in which they are found.


omxLocateParameters(model, labels = NULL, indep = FALSE, free = c(TRUE, FALSE, NA))



a MxModel object


optionally specify which free parameters to retrieve.


fetch parameters from independent submodels.


fetch either free parameters (TRUE), or fixed parameters or both types. Default value is TRUE.


Invoking the function with the default value for the ‘labels’ argument retrieves all the free parameters. The ‘labels’ argument can be used to select a subset of the free parameters. Note that ‘NA’ is a valid input to ‘labels’.

See Also

omxGetParameters, omxSetParameters, omxAssignFirstParameters


A <- mxMatrix('Full', 2, 2, labels = c("A11", "A12", NA, "A11"), values= 1:4,
   free = TRUE, byrow = TRUE, name = 'A')

model <- mxModel(A, name = 'model')

# Request all free parameters in model

# Request free parameters "A11" and all NAs
omxLocateParameters(model, c("A11", NA))

# Works with submodel
B = mxMatrix(name = 'B', 'Full', 1, 2, labels = c("B11", "notme"),
  free = c(TRUE, FALSE), values= pi)
model <- mxModel(model, mxModel(B, name = 'subB'))

# nb: only returns free parameters ('notme' not shown)

OpenMx documentation built on Sept. 11, 2024, 6:46 p.m.